OK, so after a few days of deciding wether to try my DX Batman on the Batpod or not I finally gave in tried it this afternoon.
After now having tried this, my advice to anyone thinking of doing the same is to
I spent at least 45mins positioning him on it and trying to get him to look good and this was the result:
He actually fits on the Batpod pretty well. It took a lot of posing and fiddling but in the end he fit on it nicely.
But the main problem after all that effort, and as the photos clearly show, is his head just
WILL NOT look up!!!
I spent ages trying to get his head to look up but it is just NEVER going to happen unfortunately.
This is due to the strength of the magnets used in the neck and the position of the metal in the head. The magnet is so strong that no matter how much you try to get him to look up, the force just pulls the head straight back down again. ( very frustrating!!! )
It's not a problem when the DX Batman is standing upright though. You can get his head to tilt quite a fair way back. But when he's bent forwards or horizontal, the head just goes back down again.
If anyone is unsure of what I mean, just hold your DX Batman horizontal, then try moving the head as far back as you can and you'll see.
I guess if you really wanted to, you could find something to wedge under Batmans' chin and try to keep his head upright that way, but for me that would've just caused more stress and I'm not too sure what you could use....
Also, another frustrating problem was that the Batpod cape holder ( the one supplied with the Batpod that helps you to dynamically pose the cape ) doesn't actually fit properly on the new DX armour, making it increasingly frustrating to pose the cape on Batman.
It does
sort of fit, but not as it should do like the V1 Batman.
SO, after my afternoon of frustration and dissappointment, some good news did actually come out of it all!
After all the posing and handling and stretching of my DX Batman trying to get him on the Batpod, he emerged from the ordeal in perfect condition!
His suit was just as good as it was before I tried posing him on it.
NO scratches, marks or PEELING!
So unfortunately I wasn't able to take lots of cool awesome pics of Batman on his Batpod for all to see as I had planned, but at least I didn't damage my DX trying!

It's a shame he can't look up on the Batpod 'cos I do love having him posed on there, but never mind. He still looks cool as hell stood next to it anyway!
( btw, I know my monitor needs a good wipe! lol )