Super Freak
Any way back on track anyone making a Dredd movie custom 1/6 yet ?
Any way back on track anyone making a Dredd movie custom 1/6 yet ?
Im not even close to wrong. Stars in the geek world do not make stars. Christian bale, Downey jr those guys basically carried those franchises up and running off the ground (with a little help from neeson and bridges)
Dredd was not quite as good as those but it was good.
Jackman didn't carry x men no, but Patrick Stewart helped. Now jackman carries x men all by himself and is a mega star.
The only example I can think of a comic movie that did well with a then nobody star was Gerard butler in 300. It made him a star but he was a nobody going into it. 300 had no more reason to become a hit than Dredd but I do think it was marketed better.
Dredd will become a cult classic. It even has that feel to it, like escape from new York or robocop.
I'm not saying I would change anything or put anyone else in the role, he was great in it and the movie was great it appreciate everything about it for what it was. But the issue here and the topic of the tread was not weather Dredd was worthy of a figure or a good movie, it is. It was why did Hot Toys skip this lisence and why is the movie flopping and this is why.
There's a reason why they felt no need to show him once without his helmet... They know he's not a big enough star to carry the franchise, unfortunately the franchise is not big enough to carry itself without a big name. The only other thing that they could have dome was put a big name protagonist in there but it's tricky with females. Heaney was great too but they would have had to put a hot girl of the moment in there like with V for vendetta and Natalie portman. Look how much that bumped that film. Hugo weaving yet another nobody outside the geek world, from of the matrix and yes, yet again Lord of the Rings with his face covered up from a comic no average person knows about.
Point noted about the helmet I figured it was the case and you're right a big name star would have almost precisely demanded that and then the respect for the source material goes out the window. Poor Judge dredd might just be too obscure to be successful of done right which this was . The way to go might have been casting a big name actress as the protagonist.
Not saying weeving is a nobody now. He's sort of earned his spot a decade and a half after the matrix and Lotr which are definitely wide stream movies but the people going to the cons etc and die hards are all geek culture. Who couldn't love weaving though? Super talented. I'd say it's fifty fifty now. Some average moviegoers would know him by name and others would know him as "that guy," " mr. Smith" or the matrix guy. Most recognize him.
I enjoyed Dredd a lot. It was gritty. I love the original Judge Dredd movie as well. Too bad both will will be considered flops, so we won't see any sequels with this group.
I also was under the impression that this had good reviews - doesn't it have like 75 on rotten tomatoes? Thats pretty high.
Yeah it has been quite well received. Should hopefully spread via word of mouth.
A rule of thumb I've heard, and I really don't know how accurate it is, is that a movie needs to make about three times it's budget to be profitable. Movies also require huge amounts of money to promote, sometimes the budget for advertising can exceed the budget of a movie. But the real profit for a movie is in DVD sales and any licensing it can generate. Avengers is massive because you have a movie that brought in over a billion worldwide in ticket sales, it's going to sell well on DVD's and Blu-Ray, and most importantly, merchandising. Avengers is not going to be forgotten anytime soon, or for that matter, in 20 years. Disney will maintain that property for quite some time.
The screenwriter for Dredd has been quoted as stating that he thought the movie needed to do 50 mil in the US to get a sequel. That's an impossibility at this point. We, the fans of Dredd, love the property, we appreciate this new attempt, but it's just not clicking with the common movie goer. And that is saddening.
DX Jack Sparrow. Two full heads, more complex.