Broke and happy
I did feel pitty for Penguin but man was I ever confused and somewhat disappointed leading up to his death.
Catwoman suit blew my mind though in 92.
But I was like, where is the batwing and I hated Schrek and son plot.
Plus all the gloom, yuck, that's not who I was back in 92, nor today.
Today, all a gold mine though, I can fully appreciate it now and understand that Burton was in need of a huge hug back then.
Catwoman suit blew my mind though in 92.
But I was like, where is the batwing and I hated Schrek and son plot.
Plus all the gloom, yuck, that's not who I was back in 92, nor today.
Today, all a gold mine though, I can fully appreciate it now and understand that Burton was in need of a huge hug back then.