I bet Hot Toys confiscates all the damaged Batmobiles, refurbishes them and puts out an all "new" Returns version!
True, true.
I know you're sitting on a stash of photo goodies after seeing that press kit write up entry on 1989batman.com. These blew me away,
I saw them before, but never in that quality. Your watermarks were tastefully done too, nothing obnoxious about them. Great stuff.
Yeah, those two are great as well. There are a lot of "shadow" obscured shots of Batman for the first film, the ones that aren't, like the one above, are always cool. Then that Museum one could very well be the take where Joker says, "Well, GO ASK HIM" after the "wonderful toys" line.
As for water marks, years and years ago I went through a phase where I'd obnoxiously put my name all over rare things that I owned. I didn't have any cooth or design sense in how I handled it and didn't even make a logo to boot. Since then I've learned but I have noticed recently that a lot of people do the same thing. Ihate that when the focal point is someone's watermark like, "hey, these are mine" instead of something subtle and highly opaqued.
You've seen this one right?
As a kid I always loved that in the comic adaptation but never thought for a second that they actually filmed it.
I bet Hot Toys confiscates all the damaged Batmobiles, refurbishes them and puts out an all "new" Returns version!
Well I certainly just saved some photos
I won't get my hopes up though with how skimpy Warner Bros. is with their releases. Maybe someday more of these things will be released from the vault.
It boggles the mind that out of the 7 Warner Bros. Batman films, only one of them has a portion focused on deleted scenes (Batman Forever). All the others (what little there are) are included in the documentaries with "blink and you'll miss it" sequences that aren't even discussed. I know personally I would have rather have seen the Knox scene than the one with the little girl.
Do you have the DVD/Blu Ray sets? Look at what the documentary is called for the Batman Forever feature. It's titled, Shadows of the Bat: The Cinematic Saga of the Dark Knight - Reinventing a Hero
I really appreciate that man. I ordinarily don't even watermark stuff, as I feel everybody should get a chance to enjoy this stuff the same way as me.... I only did it this time because it was part of the deal I stated when I purchased the set from the guy- That I not make them available in an unaltered form on the page. I did my best to make them as close to the originals as I could while sticking to that.
I was going to take you to task for the watermarking, but I guess it wasn't your fault - seems like the guy who gave them to you is a bit of a control freak?
In general, I can't stand when people feel the need to watermark ****, as if they're going to lose out on some fundamental credit or money unless they do (who do they think they're fooling?). If someone wants to share something, for the joy of it and for the fandom, then they should do it unreservedly, rather than staining a historical document with their photoshop graffiti. It adds nothing and often takes away from the image.
Modern-day equivocation is meaningless, you need original source material from the era of the film.
It's just like people who argue that George Lucas always had a "vision" for a Star Wars saga - a trilogy (and later two trilogies, and then three trilogies), just because Lucas has gone back and said that was always his plan - when the fact is that all actual evidence from the era shows "Star Wars" was a one-off, before becoming an evolving series that was constantly changing in intent and scope, rather than being born of any kind of master plan.
Maglor is 100% on point and correct in this manner.
Sorry DiFabio, but with all the mental twisting and contortions you've been going through to try and make your point stick, I hope you don't end up pulling a muscle.