A simple explanation, 89 has awesome designs. The colors of the two Jack Jokers pop, and Keaton Bats is a dark monster looking figure with the yellow symbol standing out of nothing but black. The Nolan stuff is just plain, Joker looks like a hobo and Batman is just a bobble head wearing tactical garbage. Don't get me started on the vehicles.
...It is NOT an explanation at all of the perception (inaccurate, imo) that overall the 89 Batman and/or Joker turns up more often than the TDK versions in collections with only one type of Batman present.
I do appreciate you posting the "your opinion" disclaimer in there man... Like you said, unless we both go through and count all the collections we have ever seen pictures of, we won't know which is truly accurate. That is why I stated "in my experience" (just as kia did).
Bantha just has a little more extreme take on it.
Yeah no problem.Speaking of opinions, when you quote only the last part of my sentence though, it looks like I'm expressing an opinion that is exactly opposite of what we know I was saying.
Still waiting on a Batman and Robin announcement...
Simple explanation of your opinion. If anything, your preference for the 89 "awesome designs" (which I really like too, btw) coupled with your distaste for the "plain" Nolan designs (which I also really like), is only an explanation why your specific collection would have 89 stuff in it and no Nolan stuff. It is NOT an explanation at all of the perception (inaccurate, imo) that overall the 89 Batman and/or Joker turns up more often than the TDK versions in collections with only one type of Batman present.
A simple explanation, 89 has awesome designs. The colors of the two Jack Jokers pop, and Keaton Bats is a dark monster looking figure with the yellow symbol standing out of nothing but black. The Nolan stuff is just plain, Joker looks like a hobo and Batman is just a bobble head wearing tactical garbage. Don't get me started on the vehicles.
I kind of think in some ways they save certain things rather than blowing their load and giving a bunch of stuff in a year. They know Batman is a big seller and people will buy it no matter when they release it. Spacing different lines out over a few years gives them a few years to cash in on the same character for longer.I think in a way Hot Toys do indeed space out their releases. It's easier for them licensing wise because I think they only hold on to the license for a few years only. So ideally HT would want to release all the main characters of the same property within the same year. Then depends on the sale numbers, decide if they want to expand the character selection a little more. That's how the DX Mime Joker came to be(And to off set Jack Nicholson's expensive fee)
Howard did say we will see Batman Returns items coming this year. I'm saving up for Batman, Catwoman, Penguin. I'm having my figures crossed that they will have a 1:4 Batman so I can throw away my Enterbay Batman. XD