I figured it was just because the Burton films were the first ones that a lot of people on here saw and what they grew up with. I didn't know if the argument was going to be made that it was because it's more "true" to the comics.
I figured it was just because the Burton films were the first ones that a lot of people on here saw and what they grew up with. I didn't know if the argument was going to be made that it was because it's more "true" to the comics.
I figured it was just because the Burton films were the first ones that a lot of people on here saw and what they grew up with. I didn't know if the argument was going to be made that it was because it's more "true" to the comics.
thats my argument for burton batman > nolan batman for sure. the burton movies were not perfect (i cannot look past how he had the joker killing bruce's parents! just how could he change 50 years of bats history!!) but they had the awesome bat suit, batmobile and the iconic 'im batman scene' all could be straight from the comicbook. things i will always love about that movie. nolan had ledger as an outstanding joker but missed the point with me as a batman movie. neither the suit or the batmobile hit home for me and the lack of a real batcave just didn't feel right.
i grew up with west, was 16 when burton brought batman to the big screen again and enjoyed the most recent nolan films. but as yet i haven't seen a definitive batman movie, and i doubt i will with B vs S.
It's nothing difficult to grasp at all. Some people favor the Burton movies, some the Nolan ones. but I'm guessing since you were 10 at the time Batman Begins was out means that you probably will have a harder time understanding what the 89 movie means to most people. You'll be at the same position once a new Batman movie comes out in 2025 and people are saying the Nolan ones are dated. "Appeal" is subjective and it's totally fine to have different preference, it's what makes us unique.
I enjoy both iterations but prefer the Burton ones, does it make a a better person that the Nolanites? Hell no, it's just preference. Here's a compelling argument on why the Burton movies are better in my book.
Mask of the Phantasm. I still consider that to be the best Batman animated movie just behind The Dark Knight Returns.
I think any argument for or against any Bats being definitive is purely in the eye of the beholder..so to speak. Me, I grew up with the 60s show, and loved it. When I first saw the promo material for the 89 movie, I was so not impressed, but it began to grow on me, as we got trailers and posters and magazines (hype). I eventually couldn't wait to see it, and, loved it.
I've got to say that I've at least enjoyed each interpretation of the Bat on screen ( both big and small). I'm currently watching Batman Beyond for the first time. It took a while but I'm liking it.
The Nolan stuff is good, but given a choice on character design, I would have to say I just love the 89 suit, and that Batmobile is just too cool. Of course, running a very close second for is the 60s Batmobile. So, as subjective as which one is best is, each has its merits. I also have to say that I can change personal choice after I get immersed in any given interpretation. What can I say, I'm fickle !!
I'm really hoping we get some form of news on this at SDCC.
Never. Just like Depeche Mode will never stop making records. Let us revel in our misery!
Hey Andrew from Italy, try the for sale section - bumping this thread is only pissing people off.![]()