HE'S AT HOME, washing his tights!

Yeah, I don't expect this until the Holiday Season (somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas).
HE'S AT HOME, washing his tights!
Maybe they're waiting to finish Catwoman, Penguin or a potential 1/4 Returns Batman before the debut everything.
Actually HT got the movie license but not the rights for actor's likeness. Just FOX doing dirty business as it seems.In the past Hot Toys has shown prototype from X-men First Class and then decided to never release it.
In the past Hot Toys has shown prototypes and then decided to never release them: X-men First Class. I can see this happening with BR Bats, even though it and Catwoman would sell like hot cakes, they instead decide to make a figure of every recent super hero movie coming out. There just isnt room in there schedule for a BR Bats or Catwoman which is very sad indeed. If only you people had more class.
I'm upset. Batman Returns figures should have been in our display cases by now. HT is picking up momentum with Robocop and Star Wars and the Returns figures have become "obstacles". I had budgeted Returns DX figures for approx. $230 in 2012. Now with BD Robocop going for $300 all I can say if ****!!!!!
Just do it.