It's a different interpretation from a different era. Just because it's not something you like doesn't make it a joke. I love the Nolan movies as much as anyone and would go as far as saying they are my favorite film adaptations of the character, but it sort of irritates me when people just throw other interpretations out the window just because they don't understand it's context to the history of the character.
Realistically the Adam West/Burt Ward Batman show and movie are probably the truest interpretations of the comics. That show basically personifies Batman in the Silver Age. Nolan took a lot of inspiration from the comics too but even he changed quite a bit. Burton and Schumacher as much as I enjoy elements of their films really don't feel like true Batman to me at all. Particularly the Tim Burton films, they're cool stylized movies but that factor aside they don't feel like Batman at all really to me. They feel like Tim Burton movies who happen to use Batman characters (especially Batman Returns, damn how I hate that film). Really though it isn't all that surprising considering Burton basically admitted that he had never read a comic before.
I don't understand the context and history of the character, yet you think Burtons Batman films aren't "batman at all?"

And yes, saying Batman the show is the truest interpretation of the character is a joke.

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