1/6 Hot Toys Avengers End Game - War Machine

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Ugh, it's ugly...there's nothing "Warmachine" about it...I just see an Autobot. :slap
I would much rather they had stuck with the grey/black war machine colors for it, but i'd still buy that. Hell, they may even repaint it in war machine colors just because they know people like me would get that too. :lol

Same here. Preferred the colors in the trailer but still getting this without question. Like Rogue One, just gotta force myself to forget about some of the cut/changed scenes from the trailers.

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Same here. Preferred the colors in the trailer but still getting this without question. Like Rogue One, just gotta force myself to forget about some of the cut/changed scenes from the trailers.

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Don't think I am getting any Endgame WM. Don't have a war machine in my collection, and I think the Mark 4 is where I am going to spend my money.
The proprtions of his head to shoulders, arm and hand are very odd, Rhodeys hands must be in the forearm piece like the RedSnapper armor

That or he has some long ass arms lol. Yea its wonky as hell. Always the case with the bigger armors
Looking how big that suit is, a diecast figure of him would probably be HT heaviest figure yet.
I'm not really seeing Iron Patriot color scheme here or getting that vibe from it. It doesn't really have that American flag color motif that the actual Iron Patriot armor had.

Ugh, it's ugly...there's nothing "Warmachine" about it...I just see an Autobot. :slap

What are you talking about? Clearly he's a Decepticon. :lol

Joking aside, I would like to read about what influenced this design. If there isn't anything in the near future, hopefully the artbook will provide some insight.
As a War Machine fan, I wonder what lead to that final battle suit being in an Iron Patriot color scheme when clearly there is evidence it was supposed to be regular War Machine colors.

Whether Iron Man 3 or this end battle scene in Endgame, I have never liked Rhodey in the IP colors as well. As a comic fan, he is War Machine or Iron Man.

Its not Iron patriot, its Guardians of the galaxy colors probably made with input from Rocket as they buddied up over the 5 year gap
Its not Iron patriot, its Guardians of the galaxy colors probably made with input from Rocket as they buddied up over the 5 year gap

No its iron patriot. I believe Ironstudios referred to it as such when announcing upcoming endgame statues. And even regardless of them, Rhoedy wearing flag colors again on the armor is definitely a reference to that.
Its not Iron patriot, its Guardians of the galaxy colors probably made with input from Rocket as they buddied up over the 5 year gap

It is Iron Patriot and it is red/blue. Iron Studios has announced that they are working on it for their 1/10th Endgame line. They're a fully licenced studio, so they wouldn't be saying that unless they were told to.

It is Iron Patriot and it is red/blue. Iron Studios has announced that they are working on it for their 1/10th Endgame line. They're a fully licenced studio, so they wouldn't be saying that unless they were told to.

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They also get told the wrong things by the licensors all of the time, legos WM Hulkbuster for example. Ill try and find whatever I read, but it mentioned the 5 year gap and the things Neb, Rocket, Rhodey and Widow were all up to and how the colors reflected the milano or something
I do believe that part I circled is from War Machines Mark 6 in the team colors.

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I'd say a Quantum suit version a lock for release, whenever they can repaint an armor and sell it twice (or five times cough mark 7 cough) they'll do it. Probably look good though, white grey and red, the WM Milk version looks good in bright contrast white

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