1/6 Hot Toys Avengers End Game - War Machine

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Does anyone know where I can find Air Force dress blues? I'd like to get them for my civvies Rhodey, but can't seem to find them anywhere. Seems like a weird thing not to be able to find.
Funny you posted this, as I was scouring online for the longest time recently and couldn't find anything but zcwo set that has been sold out forever. Had a chance on one last year and regret not getting it.
I wonder if that MK100 company that was releasing Tony outfits could be talked into making a uniform for Rhodes. I don’t have any socials anymore but if you do, I’d recommend finding them and posting a request for his uniform on anything they post.
I got this mail from sideshow, saying this guy is selling fast.


Is this just a FOMO tactic or is it legit? I want to accumulate as much points as possible before it expires 2022 and get this guy.
I don't know how legitimate that is, but it seems like a variation of the typical emails retailers send out when you leave something in your cart.
I don't know how legitimate that is, but it seems like a variation of the typical emails retailers send out when you leave something in your cart.

I thought so too, because the ones that have a low volume, like the neon 2.0, usually has a disclaimer on the purchase page and this one does not. And I cannot imagine this guy will sell out, because people are either going to get Mark 4, Iron Patriot, or the Iron Man.

I personally think this is not only the best War Machine suit, but the best arc reactor suit in general.
This is a pretty solid figure, but I understand why people are tepid about picking him up.
Seems unlikely at this point. Maybe after the Mk 6 sells out and depending on how well the Stark Team Suit figure does. But we'll be into Phase 4 by the time the Mk 6 likely sells out that they may just not have the time.

I imagine the next War Machine will be from Armor Wars.
‘’Originally in Avengers: Endgame, Rhodey and Nebula were meant to share an intimate moment of closeness. The scene was shot, and late in post-production the production realized that as shot, the bulky design chosen for War Machine's Mk 6 suit (the one that eventually became Iron Patriot Mk 2) would not fit as the actors were too close together. So long after I'd wrapped on the show, I was called in to design an additional suit that Rhodey would be wearing for the bulk of the film. As I was already booked on another production, I only had a week to devote to the project, and quickly worked up four alternative concepts, of which one was chosen and finished up by my friend and colleague Rodney Fuentebella.

The design had to be much more close-fitting than previous designs to fit into the shot, so I went for a much more streamlined aesthetic.’’ Phill JD Saunders

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Kinda frustrating knowing how close we were to getting that gorgeous IP MK2 design in WM colors (which I know the vast majority of collectors would have preferred) and the screen time it was supposed to have only to slap us in the face with the "too big to fit on screen" thing. And on top of that, some time ago I read that the reason they didn't use the original colors was for viewers to be able to tell the difference between the MK6 and the IP MK2. I mean, wasn't the huge size difference and designs enough to tell them apart? Such a shame. So close to greatness.
What’s a fair resale price of this atm? 320$ Shipped? I tried to get my friend to take it for 260$, but he wasn’t interested in armors atm lol.
Kinda frustrating knowing how close we were to getting that gorgeous IP MK2 design in WM colors (which I know the vast majority of collectors would have preferred) and the screen time it was supposed to have only to slap us in the face with the "too big to fit on screen" thing. And on top of that, some time ago I read that the reason they didn't use the original colors was for viewers to be able to tell the difference between the MK6 and the IP MK2. I mean, wasn't the huge size difference and designs enough to tell them apart? Such a shame. So close to greatness.
Give them time. With all the Neon Tech and Retro armors, will probably get it as a Con or Summer Exclusive at some point. I think the Iron Patriot Mk II suit in standard War Machine livery would be an even bigger seller than the standard Iron Patriot Mk II.
Give them time. With all the Neon Tech and Retro armors, will probably get it as a Con or Summer Exclusive at some point. I think the Iron Patriot Mk II suit in standard War Machine livery would be an even bigger seller than the standard Iron Patriot Mk II.

Honestly, I wouldn't expect any less from HT. The prospect of that thing being announced makes me both excited and worried because as cool as it would be, I'm not sure how I'll be able to justify spending another ~$500 on it while owning basically the same figure in different colors.
This is still available at a number of other sites but I just noticed it is on waitlist now at Sideshow (not sure when that happened). I personally think this is a hugely underrated figure, I love pretty much everything about it except for the loose/squishy ankles which most of them apparently seem to have. It is definitely not as "slim" as people expect.

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