Although we can be confident on a few, any Avengers figures are all speculation.
I would think these will all be released before we see any Avengers versions of these characters. I also agree that Avengers versions of any of these will also be late in 2012 or even 2013.
The figures already announced are:
Iron Man Mark II Unleashed
Stealth Iron Man
Rescue Captain America
Red Skrull
Assuming they will make these, I think this is what we'll see during or just after the films release.
Black Widow
Nick Fury

Thats a ton of hot toys in one year. Not to mention these:
Iron Monger
89 Joker
89 Batman
Symbiote Spidey
And lets not forget
Amazing Spiderman ( and any other figures from the new movie or original trillogy )
Dark Knight Rises should be worth 2-4 figures.
Then there is Superman ( Man of Steel and Green Lantern (HA!) )
We are realistically looking at @ 20 different Marvel and DC Hot Toys for 2012.
Time to start playing the lottery!