HOT TOYS "AVP" FIGURES - Give Some Love to the Classics!

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this is for you dude :hi5:


Awesome shot! :clap
Awesome buddy :hi5:
What did you think of Dredd, It's supposed to be great ?

Awesome movie! When I saw the trailer the first time, I personally tought it was going to be *****, but surprisingly one of the best movies I've seen all year! I also don't recommend this movie if you don't like violence, it has people falling for buildings, people having heads / body parts blown off and also some amazing slow-motion effects...
Okay this is what I have gotten after about 15m, which one do you prefer? :dunno



I know these are simple but they are the only two i can think of ATM without forcing the arms to much. :peace
Who Thinks The Dreads Should Have Came Separately So You Can Put Them Individually Like The Narin Model Kits I Thinks They Should Because The One Predator I Don't Like Is The AVP Predator Dreads I Think There Dreads Were To Poofy So It Would of Been Good If They Were Individually So We Can Put Em They We Want Em Tell Me What You Think

Oh Yeah If Anyone Knows How To Make The Dreads Not Poofy Please Let Me Know
If You Have Any Custom Hot Toys Predators Post Some Pictures I Would Love See EM
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Just came home from the movies from seeing "Dredd 3D" And took some pictures of my Ancient. Took me about 30m - 1hr to assemble. :peace




NICE MAN!!! you got in your Ancient, that's awesome bro!:clap i been sick so haven't been online for a while. it looks really cool tho. was it brand new?
it looks good with your P2 Elder. the AVP preds are definitely hard to pose. i think its a good idea to use the regular spear because it would suck to mess up the alien head one..
Who Thinks The Dreads Should Have Came Separately So You Can Put Them Individually Like The Narin Model Kits I Thinks They Should Because The One Predator I Don't Like Is The AVP Predator Dreads I Think There Dreads Were To Poofy So It Would of Been Good If They Were Individually So We Can Put Em They We Want Em Tell Me What You Think

Oh Yeah If Anyone Knows How To Make The Dreads Not Poofy Please Let Me Know
If You Have Any Custom Hot Toys Predators Post Some Pictures I Would Love See EM

you can form them just pull them so they are standing up then form each one starting from the bottom ones to the outer takes time but it makes it look way better.
i like the wire in them because you can make it look like their hair is blowing in the wind...


you can form them just pull them so they are standing up then form each one starting from the bottom ones to the outer takes time but it makes it look way better.
i like the wire in them because you can make it look like their hair is blowing in the wind...



No Im Asking If You Would Liked The Dreads Been Seperate Like The Narin Model Kits Like The Bad Blood Kit
No Im Asking If You Would Liked The Dreads Been Seperate Like The Narin Model Kits Like The Bad Blood Kit

oh lol. well the bad blood is a statue, i have never seen one in person but i think the dreads are hard and dont move like rubber... hard dreads would look tacky on a 1/6 figure..
if you mean having rubber dreads separate that you attach your self..seems like it would be a pain to do idk.. but to each their own:peace
oh lol. well the bad blood is a statue, i have never seen one in person but i think the dreads are hard and dont move like rubber... hard dreads would look tacky on a 1/6 figure..
if you mean having rubber dreads separate that you attach your self..seems like it would be a pain to do idk.. but to each their own:peace

Maybe But I Wouldn't Mind Because I Would Like To The Dreads My Own Way Like This One

This Is MGBB Custom Scar Predator Heres Of He Customized It
is anyone willing to sell a mint condition scar? my dog got a hold of him and I went to look on ebay for a decent one and its about 900-1500 for a good one.
is anyone willing to sell a mint condition scar? my dog got a hold of him and I went to look on ebay for a decent one and its about 900-1500 for a good one.

Dude, cat's are better. I have one that sleeps with baby rabbits and another that's sits with 4 droids and a predictions. Yes I have pictures.