I'm not capable of that. I did however remove from display a large amount of my many T-800s, T-1000s and Sarah Connors to reduce the monotony of my 1/6 collection.
In my 2 display cases, 8 of those figures are Star Wars characters and even the monotony of that is starting to annoy me. I’m either going to have to expand my collection limit or ditch Star Wars. Either way, I’d like little more variety in my collection.I'm not capable of that. I did however remove from display a large amount of my many T-800s, T-1000s and Sarah Connors to reduce the monotony of my 1/6 collection.
I'm lucky enough to have Star Wars on one side of the work / collection room and Marvel + DC on the other side. Even though Star Wars is my first love, I still find myself looking quite a lot at the Marvel and DC characters.In my 2 display cases, 8 of those figures are Star Wars characters and even the monotony of that is starting to annoy me. I’m either going to have to expand my collection limit or ditch Star Wars. Either way, I’d like little more variety in my collection.
I’m a ‘there can be one figure representing a character in my collection’ type of guy. If I’m going to pull the trigger on a Marty McFly, it’s going to have to be the iconic BTTF 1 version. However, this version just looks way cooler to me.
That's my gameplay too. Iconic is best imo. But I know what you mean, can be difficult sometimes stopping at one
I do break the rule sometimes for Luke Skywalker, or Batman for example. More than one of those guys snuck into the collection somehow !
My only assumption is they want people to buy the new 2.0 to get a new “normal” headsculpt for those that have the original 1.0 looking to headswap.Good sculpt but the non removable hat ruins the entire figure. Not sure why they thought a permanent hat should be the only display option.
Going nuts on Terminator was my way of ''cutting down'' - as I saw it, if I was going for variety then technically there were no limits to what would make my collection 'varied' - there was that time early in Hot Toys collecting when I was tempted by and trying to buy everything they made - whereas even obsessive as I was being with Terminator there was only so many looks/scenes I wanted to display. So I sold off the ''variety'' and stuck to Terminator. Ultimately, it worked. I got on top of my spending and developed a new addiction to saving money.In my 2 display cases, 8 of those figures are Star Wars characters and even the monotony of that is starting to annoy me. I’m either going to have to expand my collection limit or ditch Star Wars. Either way, I’d like little more variety in my collection.
I'm not capable of that. I did however remove from display a large amount of my many T-800s, T-1000s and Sarah Connors to reduce the monotony of my 1/6 collection.
Haha You’re not wrong, I tried and was not very successfulHa yeah I don't think it's physically possible to make a fist that way.