No. They're banking on the elbows not ripping if you dare to do that pose for more than 5 minutes.That’s gotta be a separate arm piece right? For the chest straps?
I know but this version just may be good enough. Im sure the InArt would be an improvement, but considering he’s a bald bald character, I’m not quite sure it would potentially be worth the upgrade, at least for my needs. That could all change later thoughInArt also said in a recent interview they hope to do Bane.
They aren’t advertising it as leather but they also haven’t said leather-like that they normally do, so anybody’s guess.Oh yes. YES.
How much? What's in the box? Is that new coat real leather like Wolverine?
Definitely pleather if not mentioned lol. Though it could also be vinyl which would be 100x times betterIs the jacket made of leather? Unlikely since they don't mention it, but definitely a big improvement.
I'll likely get it and if InArt's future Bane is significantly better than I'll upgrade, or if they solicit their pre-order before this comes out (as I won't be pre-ordered it) then even better!
Also, it will be interesting to see how the seamless body holds up. InArt are completely unproven in this area, so that's another consideration.
It's clever of HT to get their Bane out first. They know they can't compete with rooted figures so they go all out on a bald one.InArt also said in a recent interview they hope to do Bane.
Two words...Hathaway's ass.I'm quite surprised that there's still interest for TDKR. BB and TDK are awesome but I kinda forgot about the last film.
Movie is underwhelming (at most), but Bane is awesome though. I hope coat is leather, at least that way it’d have one long lasting outfit. Definitely will consider getting this one.I'm quite surprised that there's still interest for TDKR. BB and TDK are awesome but I kinda forgot about the last film.
i think mtoy's set has the shirt, if I'm not mistaken. toys anxiety might have itnor does any of the 3rd partyI guess I’ll wait for custom sets