The amount of butt hurt over this figure for simply existing is hilarious and far more entertaining than Batman Forever actually is.
What I enjoy about Batman Forever is it was a spectacle to me as an 11 year old kid. It was directed to me as an 11 year old and had cooler suits and was "larger than life." I love Batman Returns and always have considered Keaton as "my Batman" but 8 year old me thought it was neat to see Batman in 1992 but 11 year old me loved seeing all the gadgets and larger-than-life spectacle that was Batman Forever compared to Returns.
Agreed. People have blind love to 1989 and while it created the foundation for Bat films it doesn't really hold up nowadays.
I wasn't responding to the fact that 11 year old you or 8 year old you enjoyed one or either movie. I wouldn't expect anyone to have a very critical eye when they were a kid. The fact that you enjoyed them as a kid is not at all surprising.
I was responding to your statement that the Burton movies do not hold up today. Looking at these movies with the critical eye of an adult, the Burton movies are light years ahead of the Schumacher films (including Forever) and most certainly do hold up.
The fact that you enjoyed Forever more as a kid than Returns is also unsurprising - Returns is most definitely not directed at kids, and Forever is.
Bingo.Batman and Robin is awful, forever is better but still not good. Burton's films nailed the visuals and style, that is my gotham on screen. I'm not blinded by nostalgia though and I don't think think they hold up either in 2019.
If you want a good / great batman film then look at begins and dark Knight. They will hold up forever, but that doesn't mean I prefer them as a definitive look. I thought that was going to be batfleck but we didn't get his standalone film sadly
They probably have it done and are adding finishing touches.
Talking about the Kilmer?
Yes. I would say PO before Xmas in time for the 25th anniversary next year. Val was at Sideshow recently for something. I'd say he was approving a sculpt.
An O'Donnell robin without a batman? A Hot toys DC figure announcement?
Cyborg. 1966 batmobile. Caesar Romero Joker. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you.