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Oh, a bit of a surprise that they don’t play safe on this and waits till they see if the movie is a hit. But that’s good.
I liked the rooted hair though... but I guess it was a choice between rooted hair or rolling eyeballs.

I think no matter how the film does, this will sell in Asian markets....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
I am glad it’s not getting rooted hair. I really like the look of this. If the movie is good I’ll for sure pick her up. Have a feeling it will be a good selling figure if the final product is great
No idea why anyone would cover up such a unique looking body with that pleather, but its cool we get the option.
I'm also worried about the pleather material cracking or tearing when putting it on and off the figure because it looks skintight. But I really like the metallic look of the body without the pleather. It also makes the figure more poseable.
Thankfully critic reviews aren’t always trustworthy. Plenty of lower rated movies that are awesome, and crap movies that are highly rated.
Thankfully critic reviews aren’t always trustworthy. Plenty of lower rated movies that are awesome, and crap movies that are highly rated.
General consensus is that this is all set-up for future installments which due to the budget may not happen. Very annoying trend with movies recently.
Awesome news, I'm really hoping this figure gets an early release like a lot of recent figures! EDIT: woah it has the moving eyes also, that was my biggest wish!

As for the movie reviews, judging by the trailers it hits many of the big story beats of the OVA (which is what the movie is based on) so I don't mind if they tease future sequels that probably won't happen. Still really looking forward to watching it! :D
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