Hot Toys Battle Angel Alita

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The trailers made the movie look like an average 3 out of 5 star film at best so the fact it’s not warmly recieved by the critics doesn’t surprise me. I secretly hoped it would be one of the surprise “successes” of the year but I have seen it on many “movies likely to flop in 2019” lists. Such a shame, the cyborg designs look great - maybe a cult favourite in years to come perhaps?
I’ll always have the OVA but much like that it appears as if we’ll only ever get to read the continuation of these characters and not see it on screen.
At least we’ll get a nice looking figure out of it I guess.

Empire magazines review summary:
“Best enjoyed for the fun, slick action and the astonishing, super-expressive realisation of Alita herself, because elsewhere it’s cyberpunk business as usual, marred by some sloppy plotting” 3 out of 5 (and they’ve been on a massive pro female protagonist thing for a few years now so they’re likely being generous)
The embargo on reviews ended and it's not looking good.

After how The Last Jedi was praised, my trust in critics has been diminished. Film looks interesting. James Cameron seems passionate about the IP. Giving it a shot.
Yeah a 3/5 is what id be expecting from this. It looks decent enough but nothing special.
I don't understand why people redesign something if they can't make it better than the original.
That motorball battle gear design in the movie clip is just plain lame...
I fully expect the critic reviews to be middling, but this will not stop me from watching and most likely really enjoying it
I don't expect this to make much in theaters but it will have a big fan following, much like Dredd. I've been hyped for it ever since the first trailer was released, back when it was supposed to come out July 2018.

Definitely getting the figure if I like the movie, just waiting to see it before I order.
I don't expect this to make much in theaters but it will have a big fan following, much like Dredd. I've been hyped for it ever since the first trailer was released, back when it was supposed to come out July 2018.

Definitely getting the figure if I like the movie, just waiting to see it before I order.

:lecture I agree, sad that we never got a netflix dredd series with urban.
Reminds me of the ghost in the shell movie, I would have bought a prime 1 statue of that no doubt. The statues that did get released looked like trash - except the geisha. At least we're getting prime 1 and hot toys of alita, although I don't know if I'll still want a statue in 12-18 months!
I'm not too worried about critics opinions.

Movies can do very well and not get great critical reception.
the mangas and the OVA (1993!) are GREAT. If they were'nt, there would be no live action movie... hope it will do well, so we might get another version of Alita (first white shell body)

the OVA and the original series Gunnm were excellent.I still have them on VHS.And this film looks really well done.BUT:the fact that they have continued to show too much of the films sequences in all the Trailers is usually a bad sign.I hope not.Because the Film has potential to do very well.And yes it would be very cool to get another version made.