Imagine the mad scramble when this goes up for pre order..
You need to be able to acknowledge them separately. The AVP and AVP:R figures are awesome because they are incredible figures. Details in the head sculpt, weapons, and bodies are what makes Hot Toys figures stand out despite how you feel about the source material.
BUT, do you have a life-sized P1 bust being made for you??.....I do
All joking aside, I'll most likely get all 3 as well. Who do you guys think HT will show next???(I hope it isn't a human character)
I get that there super detailed and that there great looking figure..but you can say that about most of hot toys figures from others licenses, i just don't know why these particular figure's go for so much..i guess maybe its just there were very limited runs or something ..and there are allot more predfans out there who are willing to pay allot on them even if the movie is bad ..but imo there no better then anything else hot toys has released from other licenses, so them being really detailed is no reason for them to be so much more expensive.
this is very hard , i have sold some of my gi joe uk exclusives to buy the gort pred and now apears this....bye bye gi joe collection
Looks nice... gotta see the movie before I decide to buy or not.
I suppose there's little chance of this being out before August 29th?
Thats my birthday!
How many figs from this movie do you think they will release?