Super Freak
I heard that!!
There are too many young people who don't appreciate (or RESPECT for that matter) a classic movie.
Some of those kids would prefer fast cuts and a helter skelter plot (or no plot), to something that you can actually appreciate for its artistic value and vision for how a real future may look.
In other threads, Bladerunner has been attacked as if it was a festering sore on the world. I say to those people, if you don't respect other peoples choices on their choice of collectibles then you don't respect yourselves, and I pity you for such a negative outlook on the world.
Now, I must prepare myself for the influx of negative replies to this post.
Eighthsamurai: love your avatar by the way!
i don't mind people not liking the movie coz it's a hard movie to like (but for the record it is the bestest movie everest!). what strikes me as jackassery is exactly that - someone coming into a thread dedicated to a movie they don't like at all just to poo poo it. and hottoyzjoker seems addicted to it.
as for the avatar....
a thank you... thankyouverymuch