Super Freak
yeah the harness and the plastic wrap
There does seem to be a residue of VENGEANCE there.Is there something on his right thigh?
yeah the harness and the plastic wrap
Hey Jed where can I find the info on the AC midnight release you'll be at?
Oh. Maybe it will even back out with time. But, you don't seem to mind so it's all good regardless.
that cape is f^&*ing stiff.
I need to get a new cape like better ones
Jim Carey?
On my official website, go to blog and you will see it.
also I will post the ad here:
and i also made a thread on the DC section.
Thats a pretty nice Bats collection you got there.
Nice! Thanks Jed. I'll try to show my support. Week days are killer for midnight releases.
Thanks buddy , i'm outta room though 3 Detolfs with 45 figures in it Its a 4 hour round trip to IKEA