Yeah I just put it where I wanted it and used a pin to puncture holes in the cape to line up with the holes on the suit...worked perfectly!
Avenger, yes mine did come with dented abs on the right side...and a broken foot...fixed the foot, any suggestions for the abs people?
You make the cape futzing look effortless. I trust it's just that good.
I'm sorry to hear that man. I don't have any suggestions for fixing it, but I'm hoping you get it resolved to your liking, quickly and painlessly.
Wheres that suit from dsokyra?
Whoa dsokyra! Did you try to fix that dent, as in took the suit apart to see what's wrong or something? I hope its not an issue with the rubber mold. like it just got folded that way and stayed...I'm still brainstorming to come up with a fix...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Have you called sideshow? Maybe you don't need to try to fix it and can just get a replacement. Broken foot and a dent in the abs is pretty defective to be trying to fix IMO.
I called SSC and couldn't get through to the returns/replacements dept. but I was able to leave a message...My guess is that judging by what I've been reading on here, there have been a lot of defects with this figure and it will need a lot of concern is that this was alledgedly a limited run.