I think they sell more than what we'd like to disbelieve!
I'm sure they're still selling a fair few, but wouldn't they sell much more with a slightly lower price? I know there's plenty of people who'd pay slightly over the odds to get a figure sooner, but I doubt there's many who'd pay twice as much for that benefit.
I used to be one of those people, couldn't wait an extra 1-2 months for Sideshow to get it, but HT figures were around $150 back then, now its almost twice that. Can't afford to do it no more.
Wow... This thing has exceeded all of my expectations. Beautiful figure.
And who else did not expect him to come close to being able to do this?View attachment 286128
I heard of RainMan somewhere but not familiar with them. There specialized in custom figure right?
I've done it for a while now, as it's always been cheaper than buying through UK retailers + you get the figure several months earlier. I haven't, and won't, pay more than UK retailers charge because those prices are already inflated due to import costs and, more recently, the pound being so weak.
It's fitting that the Best Movie Batman is getting the Best Movie Batman Figure.![]()
This, yeah it totally makes sense for us in the uk to buy from eBay sellers it used to be always cheaper than getting them
From the uk & I never used sideshow because how bumped we get in import and custom taxes, but after brexit the pound has taken a serious beating & pushed the cost up even more.
I don't blame the hong sellers tho-if they were making these figures on my Backdoor, id be selling them on eBay & making a easy profit.
But recently their profit margin has become grossly excessive, I mean there's making a profit & then there's just greed.
I think they'll notice soon enough that the numbers that "need" these figures mere weeks in advance, paying in excess of £100 more than can be bought a month at most later will be far less than they were before.
Il be getting mine from Hong Kong this week but no way would I pay £300- 400 for 1 single figure.
I paid £400 for my tumbler back in the day!
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Keaton's figure came out awhile back, actually.
I'm a new collector, and I often hold my tongue because people are irrational about their comments. They want more articulation, then they want a buffer batman. There are limitations and right now nobody does it better than HT. It is tiring reading the nitpicks because most are not justified or just so minor it's an effort just to get through reading all of the responses.I think they sell more than what we'd like to disbelieve!
On another note, AND I DON'T MEAN THIS AS A HIT ON THE NEWER MEMBERS OF THIS COMMUNITY, I noticed that most of those who have nitpicks on this figure are relatively new, like 2015-2016 members. This is honest curiosity on my end -- are you guys long-time collectors/forum lurkers who just joined in later, or have you just jumped in to the hobby? I was thinking that maybe being new to the hobby, you got in when Hot Toys (even other companies) have gone so good they raise the bar too high release after release that it made some of us harder to please? I started collecting high-end 1/6 5 years ago, been here 4 years now, and back then this Batman, given all the nitpicks already thrown in here and there in the previous pages -- this is a Hot Toys Batman so good none of us might have imagined we'd eventually get because most of us were happy and ecstatic over the latest Bale Batman and Ledger Joker (that have since gone through several remakes).