I went back and forth on it, but decided to order the custom cape from Unreal Toys. I just really dig the look of it on this figure.
Just got a waitlist conversion for the EX.
Just ordered the Death Trooper so not sure I'll be keeping my reservation. I know I'll regret it if I don't get him.
Just got a waitlist conversion for the EX.
Just ordered the Death Trooper so not sure I'll be keeping my reservation. I know I'll regret it if I don't get him.
My waitlist converted today. Got on the list on Aug 21.
Wait list for regular edition converted...got on in late August. Stoked to be getting this one. really like the armored and Knightmare versions so I had to go for this one too. It's been a great line from this movie. Too bad WW is delayed until next year,but in the meantime, I'll be coming into this thread looking for display tips and inspiration...so keep the pics coming!
Just receive mine from bbts. Pretty clean...no issue with scuff marks or gold painted anywhere. Thank god cause I was beginning to worry with these issue fellow freak been posing.
Awesome! Got mine from BBTS last week. Thought I might ask again, but does yours seem a little darker from the waist up? Mine is slight and it doesn't show up in pictures, but I can definitely tell in person.
Thanks in advance man!
Seriously I can't tell if it is. Maybe this due to age. Lol. But overall this figure is absolutely amazing.
Glad things turned out for you guys. Man, I went on eBay just to check if I could snag a separate cowl if bbts ends up denying my claim and I hope the people scalping these get stuck with them after Hot Toys announces they are producing another run of these. These people are just a-holes.
Glad things turned out for you guys. Man, I went on eBay just to check if I could snag a separate cowl if bbts ends up denying my claim and I hope the people scalping these get stuck with them after Hot Toys announces they are producing another run of these. These people are just a-holes.