Super Freak
Nice, I always liked that Iron Studios pose too.
Trying out a new pose...I always liked the Iron Studios statue with the dead eyed, detached look as he gears up.
The Batman showed up here early for me....and man, am I glad my waitlist converted for this. Right out of the box....
...he's just mesmerizing. Really impressive. More shots later....really enjoying the ones other folks are posting. Can't get over how amazing this figure looks. This whole BvS line has been really great.
Could you guys tell me the common QC issues this figure has?
I got it delivered from my cousin in the states but I likey won't get my hands on it till next year. What should I get her to check??
Your pictures are melting my brain
On mine there is some kind of black glue on the back of the cowl.. I don't really know if it's black paint or black glue, really have no idea, it's a bit sticky though and is a bit darker than the rest of the black of the cowl. Weird.
I have a question for you guys as I've been reading the Rubber Deterioration topic.. Do you know what the overall Batman suit is made of, what material? Is it some kind of rubber suit?
I saw a lot of people are very pessimistic on the dedicated topic, whether the figures will last 2, 5, 10, 20 years without natural damage on the materials..
Personally I've never really experienced figures aging, but that is because most of the figures my mom bought me 20-25 years ago were only made of plastic and I was already very careful as a 6 year old kid, so my figures really never aged (which is very surprising).
Now those Hot Toys figures are more complex as there are a lot of materials involved, some of which I understand will deteriorate no matter what. I don't mind as long as it lasts 10-15 years, I'm really not sure I will still own those when I'm a grandpa haha. Just wondering how those particular Batman and Superman suits might hold up in the short/midlong term according to you guys, any predictions?
Mine had a sticky patch on it also, in the same place. I rubbed most of it off and now it has a shiny surface on that part. I think it's from the little white patch used to protect scuffing, ironically, from the packaging at the top of the head in the box. I always put a sheet of plastic now between the head and that white thing, incredibly annoying it did that.
In regards to the suits... who can tell. I think people who have older hot toys made from similar materials will have a better idea. However, I'd imagine if you handle them carefully and protect them from humidity etc. there's no reason why it should deteriorate just by itself in your lifetime. I typically wear gloves when I handle my figures because my hands can get quite sweaty or oily, and the oil from your skin can deteriorate stuff over time - just look at brass statues - so I'd recommend some sort of glove when handling them. Don't overly pose them or the material will stretch and lose elasticity but I'm pretty sure Hot Toys use top of the range materials for these expensive things, I think there's a lot of conspiracy about them just falling apart of disintegrating or self-damaging within a couple of year - who can tell, just look after them and there shouldn't really be any issues. Keep it out of sunlight to stop paint application fade etc. just the same as anything.
Thanks for your return man, much appreciated. Oh so I'm not the only one with the sticky thing on the cowl, yes it may be due to the little white bag.. I didn't touch it, maybe I should? The area is shiny as well on mine, you're right, shiny is the word. It's still a bit sticky and I'm cautious about it, whether I should try to rub it off or not..
About those newer Hot Toys being made out of the same materials than the older one, that's the thing I don't know, as I don't have figures prior to 2012 in my collection, so I can't compare. Like, the Dark Knight Batman figures, I don't know if the costume is made out of the same material used for this Batfleck, I don't know.
Not even sure if it's rubber or not, I really have not idea what material they used, but it looks like a new thing.
I keep my figures in a separate room, there's absolutely no sunlight entering in the room (for the best and worst, as I feel some figures really look better with real light), with a good temperature, never too hot, never too cold, and I don't use dynamic poses as I felt it could damage the suit or leave a mark on some figures (like Deadpool for example, I started with a very dynamic pose but I could see within a day it left a mark on the suit, so I left him in a static normal pose) but even so, some people on the threads state how time takes its toll no matter what, so I don't know.
I'm not that worried about it as no matter what, nothing really lasts forever, but it'd be a bummer if those Batman figures deteriorated due to the nature of the material within 3-4 years, that would be something I haven't experienced yet with any figure. I saw that one guy has a Chris Redfield HT figure and there's a crease one arm because of the rubber body, it deteriorated for no reason apparently (the guy even kept the plastics on the arms), kept the figure in the best way possible. But that's an older figure, I'm not sure whether HT changed the materials on the newer figures overtime..
In any case, it's not like the figures melt or completely turn to ashes, but it's something I have in mind now, had no idea until today those kind of things would happen in a 6-7 years span due to the nature of the material.
I'm pretty certain it's due to the little white patch in the packaging - I touched it and it is sort of sticky. I wiped it with a wet wipe and I'm not sure if that took the matte off and made it shiny or not - but if yours is like it I'm guessing not - annoying but could have been in a worse place I guess!
Hmm, I'm not sure, it'd be nice if someone knew. The oldest figure I have is the Dark Knight Rises Batman which has no problems. The only figure I have with a natural problem is Spiderman 2 with the black stripes on the head. I would have hoped that Hot Toys used a different material from the old ones that degraded. I'm cautious of buying anything made solidly out of rubber, especially if it has to bend. I'd imagine this suit wouldn't be succumb to the same problems, the only thing I'd imagine if becoming saggy from the poses. Sounds like you look after them and keep them in a good condition so there's no reason why they can't last a lifetime, as long as they're reaaaaly looked after.
Other people probably have better opinions though as I don't have anything that had problems with them. Or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself because they're so expensive and I want them to last really long![]()