Finally got some time to enjoy my Christmas present.
He's really badass, even right if the box.
But I started the mods right away.
First I had to fix the cowl as the hard plastic part that connects the neck was not inserted completely creating a non symmetric neck. I could have leave it like that but hey my ocd would not let me be lol
It was a ***** to remove as it was glued hard but with an xacto knife I managed to cut gently around it and then remove it with pliers.
1-The arms, biceps were too flat for my taste so using Tamiya miliput I added muscles.
2-Added some padding on the front chest and the sides (padding was from the first order trooper fatsuit, already had the chest form and it flattens a bit when you put the batsuit on).
3-A bigger groin area with miliput, had to redo it several times as it was either not enough or too big lol.
4-The calves, since I added longer feet pegs (mandatory I think with Batman and superman Bvs as it give them good proportions) I made them bigger with some padding and ductape.
5-Belt pouches 2 & 3 replaced higher on the belt for screen accuracy.
6-added some double sided tape on the extremities of the cowl to make sure the cape stays flat and in place.