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Interesting opinions on MoS and BvS because both of those films were pretty poorly received, especially BvS. They tried to lighten up JL a bit and people didn't like that either.

I enjoyed all 3 and was happy with Superman's portrayal in JL.

Not too fussed on Affleck staying on or not. They should have gone with a lesser name to begin with really. How long did they think he would stick around for?

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I think he would've stuck around for a few more had everything with WB been pretty stable. Word was that Affleck was doing the Batman role to get some big cash which would also allow him more finances and time to pursue some of his smaller, directorial projects (who knows if part of the deal was that WB would agreed to help fund/distribute them).
I'd be totally OK with what they suggest on Collider Heroes. ie have him bookend a soft re-boot with a new Batman lead as a younger time in his life, but incorporate Batfleck remembering at start or end somehow. That would certainly appease me and make it look like Batfleck is still a part of it.

Discussion on this is pretty much from the start.

I'd be totally OK with what they suggest on Collider Heroes. ie have him bookend a soft re-boot with a new Batman lead as a younger time in his life, but incorporate Batfleck remembering at start or end somehow. That would certainly appease me and make it look like Batfleck is still a part of it.

Discussion on this is pretty much from the start.


I hope that doesn't mean yet another origin movie.
No, that would suck. I don't know how many times I've seen the origin scenes of Batman and Spiderman. Feels like a million times.

:lol exactly, I'm so tired of seeing high school Spiderman and Batman's origin. Reeves was talking about a detective focused Batman movie last year, I hope that is still the case when it finally gets made. I'd love to see Deathstroke involved somewhere.
Got me another Batman so I worked on it.
I was always annoyed by the waist / thighs area.
Didn't work well for me.
Proportion are weird.
So I looked into modding the body.
I took a Superman mos waist and put it on the Batman body.
And I like it much BETTER.
Then I didn't stop there.
I shaved some of the legs muscles.
Bigger calves.
I glued the suit on the hips to give it more of a v shape.
Added chest padding .
Added muscles in the biceps with miliput.
Bigger crotch with miliput and padding.
Thinner neck.
Belt mod.

He's still have the bulky look but also the leaner heroic proportions.

Stock on the left, modded on the right

The result
Got me another Batman so I worked on it.
I was always annoyed by the waist / thighs area.
Didn't work well for me.
Proportion are weird.
So I looked into modding the body.
I took a Superman mos waist and put it on the Batman body.
And I like it much BETTER.
Then I didn't stop there.
I shaved some of the legs muscles.
Bigger calves.
I glued the suit on the hips to give it more of a v shape.
Added chest padding .
Added muscles in the biceps with miliput.
Bigger crotch with miliput and padding.
Thinner neck.
Belt mod.

He's still have the bulky look but also the leaner heroic proportions.

Stock on the left, modded on the right

The result

Looks awesome! :clap
I hope Affleck stays, I like what we got with his Batman - it wasn't an origin, it was a really nice, hey this is how ****ed up Batman got with all the stuff he's been through. I feel like it would have been more well received if he starred in a solo film before BvS, or if Superman wasn't at the beginning of him becoming Superman. I think it would have been a nice juxtaposition to have one either be already morally completely good and at the top of their good hero game and the other not quite there or completely off in Batmans case. It's such a shame. I loved his take on Batman - it was a shame to see what he was reduced to in JL.
What’s dumb is Matt reeves wants to do a younger batman so cast a younger actor yet!!!! The joker origin movie is being hinted at being affiliated with Matt Reeves Batman solo movie? So we have Phoenix as joker so is he not close in age to affleck?? Keep affleck and get some good writers on that solo movies. Seriously as much as I don’t like affleck he was really a good batman and Bruce Wayne. And WB needs to get the original costume company back who created the bvs suit
I loved affleck as well. But the character Batman is not tied to one actor. Someone will always come along and do good. Except for George Clooney.
And Val Kilmer. Great as Iceman, just not Batman.

I didn’t mind his Batman. I think he would have done awesome with a different team behind the camera. I really liked his Bruce Wayne. Maybe not so much of the line delivery of , “ Harvey!!!! I’m Batman!!!”
I preferred Kilmer over Clooney but all those movies got increasingly cartoony after Returns. I didn’t mind Keaton as Batman/Bruce but honestly all I kept seeing was Mr. Mom and it ruined it for me.
I actually thought Kilmer had a good batman voice and seemed to capture the pissed off Keaton look behind the mask so I can’t fault him over WB and producer screw ups pretty much full circle with affleck now
I didn’t mind his Batman. I think he would have done awesome with a different team behind the camera. I really liked his Bruce Wayne. Maybe not so much of the line delivery of , “ Harvey!!!! I’m Batman!!!”

How about, "Tell me Doctor... Do you like the circus?" but he says "circus" with a lisp. I've always found that line hilarious, and perplexing that they didn't try to get another take.

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