Finally bit the bullet and pre-ordered this. Used the $20 off coupon and my gift cards. Didn't want to miss out on the exclusive. Putting my full trust in Hot Toys to deliver on this figure like they did with the changes to the Man of Steel Superman figure
Where do you live, out of interest? HK eBay sellers are probably your best bet, though sometimes they charge over the odds for the convenience of getting it earlier.
I live in Egypt. The way I've bought my previous hot toys was when they were in stock in hong kong (thats when they really put the price up) as of right now the price is about even on boh ebay and normal outlets (including shipping) What i'm more curious about is the release date. Is it for sure that ebay hong kong sellers get the products before sideshow/bigbad or has there been exceptions where they both get it at the same time, etc... since the ebay guy told me he'd be getting it in stock by september (which put me off)
Thank you for your response![]()
Hey guys!
I need some help. I'm looking to buy this but I'm not sure what the best choice of store would be. I cant use Sideshow because it wont ship to my country... My options are bigbadtoystore, popcultcha (western stuff) or ebay. From what I understand Hot toys release earlier in hong kong but after contacting one of the HK sellers on ebay he mentioned that the release date would be around september for him even though in most western sites it specifies july as the ETA.
Basically I'm looking for someone experienced with ebay and the difference in release date between HK and sideshow (Western outlets). Really appreciate any help, thanks in advance![]()
Well. I'm guessing a March - April release for this figure. I don't think Hot Toys really gave a release date.
Either way, with how things are going these days, HT would have to release their first DOJ figure around the movie release. Now whether that will be Batman of Man of Steel will remain to be seen.
I think you can just do a quick google search. There are online stores that have HT figures for pre-order. Most of them aren't well know or have a lot of reviews but that's mostly because they started as small physically shops are now just branching out.
I was really excited about this Figure until I saw Batman wearing his pyjamas. If Hot Toys are improving the figure (As they did with the Fat Man of Steel) I hope they post some updated images, because I'm losing interest in this purchase.
Also where is the Wonder Woman figure?
There won't be a new pose! It can only move the arms!![]()