Insufferable S.O.B.

Latest body on Batman and Knightmare Batman.
That's anybody's guess. They've had 1:1 scale pieces on display before that I've never seen for sale.Are they planning on selling that full scale Batman?
With the sets they did for TDK trilogy, that might not be out of the question. It's clear they're gonna milk this Batman for all he's worth. Four 1/6 versions so far, plus an 8 grand full size statue and the movie isn't even out yet.Am I the only one who thinks they should do a robin costume from the film with the graffiti all over it? That would be a mint piece! A Bruce Wayne fig would go well with that too, ummm. Come on hot toys!!! Missing a trick with this one!
Budget Stark coverage
I don't think they will fix Bat anymore at this point. They already need manufacture those to meet Q3 2016 release
I think Bat will still looks cool on the hand and no WW so far. What a waste