Lex was hated by just about everyone, so I can't see a figure of him being too popular.
In my opinion the BVS Superman's cape looks fine on the prototype, if it's like that out of the box I won't change a thing.
I did the cape mod on the MOS figure because it just looked wrong on an otherwise stellar figure.
BvS was not critically acclaimed meanwhile Marvel sell like hotcakes. I wish Suicide Squad is good enough, I want Harley Quinn
I noticed that the majority who bought the MOS Supes did the cape modification where the collar was lowered to be more movie accurate.. based on the promo pics for this figure, will a collar modification be as necessary for the new suit to be movie accurate?
No he wasn't – hated by you does not equate to everyone... in fact, even the critics that didn't like BvS, all agreed that Eisenberg was good as Lex.
The BVS Superman suit has a higher collar.
So the new HT figure is more accurate than the MOS one. The MOS one had a collar that was too high and needed modding. But this one is *meant* to be higher.
'Just about everyone' means the majority, not 100%. You also seem to be implying that I said that because of my own personal opinions, which isn't the case. And that isn't true. Very few liked his take on the character.
anyone know when he will be released BBTS shows Q2 2016
anyone know when he will be released BBTS shows Q2 2016
You still haven't learned the difference between fact and opinion then I see?
Jessie seems to be one of the plusses most people take from the movie.
Just saw Civil War and while it probably had a better storyline and was better made than BvS, it didn't feel as "epic".
Usually a month after sideshow gets theirs. It hadn't even released in HK yet, but should in a couple weeks.
What are the chances HK releases this bad boy the first week of May? SS's ETA says May-July and for $209.99 it's such a great deal compared to most releases these days