I can't imagine any actor taking an MCU role and them not signing their likenesses away. Is Jude Law going to tell Disney no? They'd just get someone else.
Okay so this is one of the figures I was told would be coming out at the Art Panel.
I assume the other is Talos.
If this doesn't have a Jude Law sculpt, I'm out. It could be anyone under that mask as far as I'm concerned.
I didn't think it was possible to be in a Marvel movie and not sign away the likeness for figures. That's like half the reason they make these movies.
Art panel?
I posted a few weeks ago about an art panel I went to with the head of Marvel's Visual Dept. He collects HT and said that there were multiple figures coming from Captain Marvel, suggesting 2 more in addition to Captain Marvel. I said I wanted Yon Rogg and they nodded enthusiastically.
I wish this figure will have a Jude Law head sculpt. If it's included and looks good, I'll most probably buy this figure.
Yup, I wish they would stop this practice only show us stuff you have approval for not still pending . What's the point you wasted your time making him and putting them on display and putting him in catalogs and then nothing.Another cool villain design that'll probably never make it into production.
*Cough* Yellowjacket *Cough*
Yeah exactly. Just move on alreadyI absolutely do not understand how a movie can hold such a burden over your life. I mean there's disliking a film and then literally letting it consume you. It's one of the most self demeaning things I've seen. I just cannot imagine getting up and just spewing how much I hate a film every single day, let alone allowing something like that to have such bearing over my person.