Not talking about senseless violence. Talking about the core origin backstory of a character. It’s like changing Batman’s parents getting killed by a government conspiracy and now Batman going up against the CIA to get revenge.
Then the show completely change who the Punisher really is then. He's got one of the most basic background ever. His family gets killed, the system fails him, so he takes matter into his own hands and then just start waging a one man war making it his life mission. I'm into episode 6 now on the show and frankly I'm disappointed by it, considering I'm a HUGE fan of the Punisher, reading his comics ever since I was a kid in the 80s. This whole government conspiracy ruined his back story, him burning his skull vest on episode 1 and then never wearing it again all the way to episode 6 now is stupid. Billy the Beaut Russo backstory completely changed. Punisher getting all friendly and cozy with Karen Page annoys me. The show just doesn't feel like Punisher to me.
Then the show completely change who the Punisher really is then.
While I love the 1911 I think it's odd that they have Frank use that as his primary sidearm.
Why do you think this?? What would you prefer he used? A Glock?? He makes it very clear several times during the season that he's old school.
You didn't hear about that change??? I kid.Not talking about senseless violence. Talking about the core origin backstory of a character. It’s like changing Batman’s parents getting killed by a government conspiracy and now Batman going up against the CIA to get revenge.
Many military folks still prefer the 1911While I love the 1911 I think it's odd that they have Frank use that as his primary sidearm.
Not talking about senseless violence. Talking about the core origin backstory of a character. It’s like changing Batman’s parents getting killed by a government conspiracy and now Batman going up against the CIA to get revenge.