Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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You know what, if episode 2 isn't an improvement on the first, I'm going to find it very hard to come back for a third.
What worries me, is I personally found the 2nd episodes of both seasons of The Mandalorian to be a big step down from the 1st of each season, and the weaker episodes of both seasons overall. If BoBF follows suit, episode 2 could end up being a let down.
The 2nd episodes of those Mando seasons felt like they were taking a breather after the big opening episode. Then they picked up again from the 3rd episode.
BoBF didn't have a big opener, so it doesn't need a breather, it needs to pick it up. Whether Jon and Dave wrote it like that though...
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After one episode it has moved to waiting until the season is over for me.

I'm bingeing Homeland again and just started Yellowjackets. Different material but that's how you do a pilot episode.
Ha, what about Bad Batch? Talk about a mixed bag. It had, what, 7-8 episodes? And at least 3 of them were total duds imo. TOTAL. DUDS.

Of course, many just loved those episodes. But not me. I always think the star of the show should be the focus, silly me.
You know what, if episode 2 isn't an improvement on the first, I'm going to find it very hard to come back for a third.
What worries me, is I personally found the 2nd episodes of both seasons of The Mandalorian to be a big step down from the 1st of each season, and the weaker episodes of both seasons overall. If BoBF follows suit, episode 2 could end up being a let down.
As entertaining as a good hate-watch is ... time is precious. If this 2nd episode is still flailing I'm out. I didn't need to see Shang Chi, I wish I hadn't watched Falcon & WS all the way through, WandaVision didn't stick the landing, in the end Loki just sort of ... I don't know. I'm not bothering with Eternals and I think it's almost time to let Star Wars go.

If something pops up and people give rave reviews, I'll absolutely check it out but there's only so long you can complain about entertainment and continue to watch it. 😬

I bailed on 'Picard' and I can certainly bail on this.
As entertaining as a good hate-watch is ... time is precious. If this 2nd episode is still flailing I'm out. I didn't need to see Shang Chi, I wish I hadn't watched Falcon & WS all the way through, WandaVision didn't stick the landing, in the end Loki just sort of ... I don't know. I'm not bothering with Eternals and I think it's almost time to let Star Wars go.

If something pops up and people give rave reviews, I'll absolutely check it out but there's only so long you can complain about entertainment and continue to watch it. 😬

I bailed on 'Picard' and I can certainly bail on this.

Yeah, I'm thinking the same. I'll keep an eye on reviews and if the later episodes get raving positive feedback I can always pick BoBF up again.
I really want this series to be good so hopefully the next episode will be an improvement.
I have a bad feeling though. Some of my issues with the writing, the acting (love Tem, but his acting in episode 1 was not great) etc set a bad tone for the series.

I got about half way through the 1st season of Picard and had to tap out. Dreadful series.
Really interesting reading all the comments here more or less saying "I'm out" after one f##king episode. :rotfl :rotfl

Let's get real here. We all know we'll watch this through.

It's Star Wars, that's what we do.

Once I would have done but I'm not the hardcore fan I used to be. If BoBF can't get me hooked by the 3rd episode, I will be done.
The last 6 years of Disney Star Wars has beaten the unconditional love I used to have for Star Wars out of me.
It's just a show. As much I want to it to be good, to love it, I'm not going to force myself to watch it. There's always Mando season 3 to look forward to.

I can't remember when I bailed and honestly don't remember much about what I watched, just that it didn't feel right.

Picard is anti-Star Trek. It fundamentally misunderstands what Star Trek is. It's a cynical and nasty show. It gives Picard the TLJ Luke treatment.
Maybe, maybe, but they have to communicate these things to the viewer otherwise we’re going to question it.

Why didn’t he take a bag for collections? Seems simpler.
You're right. Boba Fett should have proclaimed out-loud "Oh darn how am I going to put on my helmet with all these coins in here...that we just showed to the audience"

Or maybe you guys just want a narrator at this point?
You're right. Boba Fett should have proclaimed out-loud "Oh darn how am I going to put on my helmet with all these coins in here...that we just showed to the audience"

Or maybe you guys just want a narrator at this point?
No, maybe they should have just written and directed the episode better. The man has a jetpack and decided to blow himself up with a wrist rocket at point blank range, greatest bounty hunter the Galaxy has ever seen my arse.
...I bailed on 'Picard' and I can certainly bail on this.

...I got about half way through the 1st season of Picard and had to tap out. Dreadful series.

I can't remember when I bailed and honestly don't remember much about what I watched, just that it didn't feel right.

...Picard is anti-Star Trek. It fundamentally misunderstands what Star Trek is. It's a cynical and nasty show. It gives Picard the TLJ Luke treatment.

Not to derail this thread but I felt exactly the same way in regards to Picard. I did stick it out to the end of the first season, hoping beyond hope that it would somehow self correct. It didn't. It only got worse. What an insult to the character, the Federation and what it stands/stood for, and to the entire franchise. New Trek is dead to me.

As for BoBF, the more I think about it, the more I find it baffling that the episode was so short. Perhaps if it had been fleshed out further, even an additional 10-15 minutes of pertinent story telling, it could have made better sense.
As for BoBF, the more I think about it, the more I find it baffling that the episode was so short. Perhaps if it had been fleshed out further, even an additional 10-15 minutes of pertinent story telling, it could have made better sense.

Yes I agree, the short runtime doesn't help at all.

I said I was going to stop talking about the 1st episode... but another thing, before Boba recruited the gammies, his entire organisation consisted of himself, Fennec and a couple of droids. How the hell did he expect to run a criminal empire with so few people?
Not to derail this thread but I felt exactly the same way in regards to Picard.
It's relevant to this thread in that we're all pretty hardcore fans here -- even the most casual amongst us is more so a fan than the general public, but there reaches a point of diminishing returns where you just stop giving benefit of the doubt, no matter how beloved or culturally ingrained a given property is.

That should be a wake-up call to purveyors of said properties, but given the lowest common denominator approach by corporations like Disney, they can safely hit that snooze button all day and make their money.

I keep seeing comments scattered across the forum chastising many of us critical of the series via straw man arguments and projections of toxic fandom, but these call-outs tend to gloss over the perfectly well thought-out critiques of the writing, direction, fight choreography and production design that go well beyond complaints that a character doesn't align with an adolescent power fantasy.

Taste being subjective one does not have to agree with these critiques but they're pretty grounded.

When it's popular, art always gets turned into 'product' and that product is often diluted or tampered with, rendering it an imitation rather than the resonant continuity those hawking it would have you believe.

You can dress up Patrick Stewart and Temuera Morrison, call them Picard and Boba Fett, but if you fail to deliver the spirit of a thing, you deserve the lambasting.

It's just that the Internet is filled with toxicity, cynicism and casual negativity so it's hard to critique something without being labeled a 'hater' or a 'toxic fan' these days.

And yes, all of this after one episode because after decades of material and billions of dollars on a flagship property, you'd think they'd be able to stick the landing on 30 minutes of opening content for a pretty basic premise.

Maybe it recovers. I can't predict what we'll see next, but this director and the showrunners deserve every grain of salt for phoning in that first episode.
It's relevant to this thread in that we're all pretty hardcore fans here -- even the most casual amongst us is more so a fan than the general public, but there reaches a point of diminishing returns where you just stop giving benefit of the doubt, no matter how beloved or culturally ingrained a given property is.

That should be a wake-up call to purveyors of said properties, but given the lowest common denominator approach by corporations like Disney, they can safely hit that snooze button all day and make their money.

I keep seeing comments scattered across the forum chastising many of us critical of the series via straw man arguments and projections of toxic fandom, but these call-outs tend to gloss over the perfectly well thought-out critiques of the writing, direction, fight choreography and production design that go well beyond complaints that a character doesn't align with an adolescent power fantasy.

Taste being subjective one does not have to agree with these critiques but they're pretty grounded.

When it's popular, art always gets turned into 'product' and that product is often diluted or tampered with, rendering it an imitation rather than the resonant continuity those hawking it would have you believe.

You can dress up Patrick Stewart and Temuera Morrison, call them Picard and Boba Fett, but if you fail to deliver the spirit of a thing, you deserve the lambasting.

It's just that the Internet is filled with toxicity, cynicism and casual negativity so it's hard to critique something without being labeled a 'hater' or a 'toxic fan' these days.

And yes, all of this after one episode because after decades of material and billions of dollars on a flagship property, you'd think they'd be able to stick the landing on 30 minutes of opening content for a pretty basic premise.

Maybe it recovers. I can't predict what we'll see next, but this director and the showrunners deserve every grain of salt for phoning in that first episode.

I don't think it could be better said.
Just had an interesting thought about Boba’s arc. Since he doesn’t have a proper Mandalorian honor code or upbringing OR it was replaced by dishonorable underworld when Jango died and forced Boba to develop alone maybe this is the continuation. Perhaps the Tusken tribe taught Boba a sense of belonging and a warrior code which is why we saw him act more honorably toward Din in the Tragedy and have high regard for his chain code. Losing his armor would make one appreciate it all the more. Maybe the Tusken chief encourages Boba to reclaim the armor as a symbol of his honor.

So the subsequent episode flashbacks will show why Boba values these qualities that he learned from Tusken tribe and how he can balance this with his extensive underworld experience. Boba already had fear and money but now he values something more - honor and influence. He could come in guns blazing like when he executed Bib but he wants to consolidate power. When he says he wants to rule with respect he really means he wants loyalty. This explains why he spared the Gammy guards. It’s no surprise that he comes into conflict with Bo and Koska, this is just foreshadowing. Maybe just maybe control of the underworld is a stepping stone to Mandalore much like Maul before him.

I haven’t read the leaks so this is just extrapolating from Ep1 and what we have seen in Mandalorian. I just hope the next episode rises to the occasion.
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I'm now mentally prepared for Ep2 and will be watching it with extreme prejudice.
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