Our boy Max isn’t anywhere to be found last episode, he might be safe. Maybe he took the night off or the Pykes like him too haha.So something I've not seen mentioned anywhere yet is RIP Max Rebo. I doubt he'll pull another Jabbas sail barge explosion escape again. Hot Toys tribute figure is required.
I'd definitely recommend it. Some of the best Star Wars story telling and character arcs ever. There are also essential viewing lists and chronological order viewing lists which can help cut out a few of the filler episodes and make it flow a bit better.Seeing all these characters pop up, now might be the time to watch the clone wars
For a start it looks real.As nice and accurate as these edits are, I still kinda dig the official live action cad bane. There’s something about it that works for me.
If Max Rebo doesn’t show up to work… leaveI'm sure Max is alive and well. Little did we know in ROTJ that his long snout actually has purpose. The dude can obviously smell danger. Probably has hit the road headed toward his next gig. What a legend!
Luke training ninja gi with Grogu, Cad Bane and Black Krustacean are all definite buys.I think The Mandalorian/BOBF line might be the first line that I double dip in characters
The ultimate deep fake...