That guy's such a troll, or inherently dumb...or both.
I love RO and extremely fascinated with Andor's performances so far, really looking forward to some figures from this show. But ******** on Filoni with completely aesthetic and story-telling style to apparently new "SW-savior" Gilroy from that perspective is moronic. Some amazing live action episodes from The Mandalorian/TBOBF were directed by Filoni himself.
Very deep, informative and insightful evaluation of my position and character, thanks for that. I never considered before the argument that anyone I disagree with is a troll or just plain dumb, I will have to look into that for future reference.
Seriously though, Filoni is all style and very little substance. Sure, he has his moments but much of the content he creates is shallow and driven by cameos and easter eggs, beyond that his writing is fairly shallow which can work some of the time (where simplicity is in service of an adventure tone) but certainly not most of it. I certainly do love figures like Captain Rex that come from his shows since the cartoons and Mando are very toyetic shows (that is their strongest advantage) but for me to truly care for any character enough to buy and love the figure I need a strong foundation: writing. Everything else is built on top of that. The writing and characterization in Andor actually makes me want figures of Andor, Kino, Luthen, Mon Mothma, Syrill and Deedra. I wouldnt have thought that I would want them if I hadn't watched the show as they aren't Sith lords in black robes or troopers in armour nor are they visually interesting aliens.
Gilroy's show has the best writing of all Disney Star Wars. Adding lightsabers/aliens etc etc etc is an easy fix as that is just window dressing. I prefer great writing that provides gripping dialogue, deep characters, logic, consistency and multi layered storytelling going forward vs flashy exciting VFX filled cameo fests that are ultimately hollow and inconsistent. Not saying it has to be either/or, just that one is foundational, the other is not. the sequel trilogy had fantastic production design, lots of action, lightsaber battles, space battles etc but it was filled with plot holes and inconsistency. Despite some cool designs I have no love for the trooper figures and no desire to buy figures of other characters from it which is shocking since seeing Luke, Leia and Han back in action was my dream for so very long prior to the trilogy. Same goes for TBOBF and Kenobi.
Gilroy has already stated that season 2 will be more "star warsy" in aesthetics and more easter eggs/ established characters will be making appearances while the show will tie more into canon, so that should give those who dislike the look of the show some relief. He also stated that the lack of aliens was down to both limited budget and aliens not making sense in certain locations (Aldani base, ISB etc etc). End of episode 10 was chock full of aliens by the way. That should cover most of the complaints from those who so far dislike the show so surely you should feel excited that we will be getting well written, directed and acted Star Wars coming. Filoni can continue managing the animated shows that the fans love. That is his forte, his career, his area of excellence. None of his Live action work has wowed me though I welcome being proven wrong in my assessment of him. I will likely buy live action Rex if Filoni puts him in Ahsoka though. I will buy clone figures no matter how good/bad the show is.
Andor figure want list:
Andor in Imperial gear
Dedra with over coat
Luthen in his caped look
Mon Mothma
Cinta in diver gear
Prison Guard
Imperial army trooper with patrol speeder
Probably more to add to the list after next couple episodes