Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I like this guy. Knowledgeable and to the point. Only 6 minutes of your time. But interesting theories about Boba, Bo Katan etc.

Interesting that Ahsoka etc are only planned for one episode. Which is fine for me, it was starting to feel a bit crowded there with all these announcements.

He's now saying Hera Syndulla will also be in season 2. It's clear their appearance in The Mandalorian is the launchpad for that Ahsoka/post-Rebels show.

He also says Boba Fett is getting his own show or Disney+ movie. And before anyone says it's overkill with having two Mandalorian shows at the same time, just remember Boba isn't a Mandalorian :nana:
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I'm sure she's in for Disney approval right now......hopefully with Kuiil :pray:

It's not like Hot Toys need to make her, or Gideon, before season 2. They're clearly going to be two of the main supporting characters going forward. Hot Toys will make them. Kuill, the Armorer, and the Death Watch Mandalorian however either won't or perhaps won't make another appearance (although I'm willing to bet the Amorer will), so they are the characters Hot Toys need to focus on before the season 2 merchandise kicks in.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

The Clone Wars was pre-Disney. One of Disney's first acts was to Cancel it.

100% case closed Jango and Boba are not Mandalorians. If you don't like it tough luck. You can personally choose to ignore it, but you can't claim otherwise. And it's not a "Lucas" retcon anyway. As far back as ESB Lucas said Boba used Mandalorian armour but wasn't one.

And then Disney restarted

Nah. If you choose to ignore all the lore given that's your business, but whats said outside the actual media presented is just that. Lucas also said there's a whole midichlorian micro universe. You gunna sing the praises of that as well? Lucas said it. Its 100% so. Case closed. Too bad so sad.:cuckoo:

They don't just insert characters and places in for no reason, but feel free to vehemently despise them being mandalorians i guess :dunno i guess if I say case closed more than you, you'll stop posting? Lol whatever I'm done. Do what you will.

He's now saying Hera Syndulla will also be in season 2. It's clear their appearance in The Mandalorian is the launchpad for that Ahsoka/post-Rebels show.

He also says Boba Fett is getting his own show or Disney+ movie. And before anyone says it's overkill with having two Mandalorian shows at the same time, just remember Boba isn't a Mandalorian :nana:

As much as I wish some of this was so, it seems like a lot of wishful thinking, but sure wouldn't mind them using Mando to launch some spinoffs. I think the place in the timeline is pretty interesting.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

And then Disney restarted

Nah. If you choose to ignore all the lore given that's your business, but whats said outside the actual media presented is just that. They don't just insert characters and places in for no reason, but feel free to vehemently despise them being mandalorians i guess :dunno i guess if I say case closed more than you, you'll stop posting? Lol

It's black and white. It has nothing to do with whether I (or you) agree with it or not (I gave no opinion on my thoughts on that). You can choose to ignore it but you can't change facts (as they stand). I wouldn't be surprised if this issue gets raised in the Mandalorian.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

And then Disney restarted

Nah. If you choose to ignore all the lore given that's your business, but whats said outside the actual media presented is just that. Lucas also said there's a whole midichlorian micro universe. You gunna sing the praises of that as well? Lucas said it. Its 100% so. Case closed. Too bad so sad.:cuckoo:

They don't just insert characters and places in for no reason, but feel free to vehemently despise them being mandalorians i guess :dunno i guess if I say case closed more than you, you'll stop posting? Lol whatever I'm done. Do what you will.

As much as I wish some of this was so, it seems like a lot of wishful thinking, but sure wouldn't mind them using Mando to launch some spinoffs. I think the place in the timeline is pretty interesting.

The OT already contradicts itself. GO read Splinter of the Mind's Eye and come back.

I'm not sure what your argument is here. No one vehemently despises Jango being a mando. We're saying it doesn't exist in canon anymore. He's not a mando anymore guy. You are literally defining head canon.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Why does it matter? What does it actually change anyway?

For me it's a what-goes-on-the-shelf thing. Wasn't a fan of the Fett and I think some article I read said in the OT his total screen time was like 90 seconds. So all the info I pick up may or may not influence a purchase. IMO the character didn't get that much in the PT either or in Clone Wars (well guess more was there). Might even pick up some of the comics/books.

But, I like both Mythos Boba and Obi-wan figs. Obi-wan by default has a huge history.

Since I don't sell my figs (yet) there had better be a reason to be on the shelf. Some figs like Cara (unless the proto sux) are auto-buys. Others are more angst causing $$$$. Friggin' Mandalorian already cost me a new shelf set:cool: and it'll be months before there's anything except Hasbro. But like, Mythos Boba already sold out once and guess SSC read the writing on the wall and re-ordered. So I must choose wisely.:panic: Think I am pretty well done with paying 'bay mark-up prices after the fact. :horror

Then there's stuff like:
I really like the Mythos figure, although I lucked out with solid bodies, but he?s just a good standalone figure, unless body swapped... much too tall. Toga and Kama are hard to futz and feel cheap. A water treatment is something I still need to try but he?s fine the way he is for now.

Don't have him in hand, but hopefully that's because it's supposed to be some old worn linen.:dunno Meanwhile every week is a wait for Cara and Kuiil (hope:pray:)
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

It's black and white. It has nothing to do with whether I (or you) agree with it or not (I gave no opinion on my thoughts on that). You can choose to ignore it but you can't change facts (as they stand). I wouldn't be surprised if this issue gets raised in the Mandalorian.

Haha sure.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

The OT already contradicts itself. GO read Splinter of the Mind's Eye and come back.

I'm not sure what your argument is here. No one vehemently despises Jango being a mando. We're saying it doesn't exist in canon anymore. He's not a mando anymore guy. You are literally defining head canon.

my argument is that a majority of EU that was purged when Disney purchased star wars is continously referenced in current star wars and not for no reason.

Arc troopers, concord dawn, blurrgs, the outrider, republic commandos. Death watch, mythosaurs, Vizsla, on and on and on. So if you choose to ignore all the things brought back to canon by current star wars that's your choice. Not so black and white.
Re: Boba Fett in Mandalorian Season 2 - New figure Coming?

"head canon" isn't canon. It's completely okay to have your own C canon in your head. Most of us do. EU isn't canon; that's not a debate. It's gone.

"head canon" is a nice way of saying fan fiction, but Disney basically wrote and filmed Kennedy's horribly bad fan fiction, so the lines are blurred now.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Why does it matter? What does it actually change anyway?

People think if they claim Jango and especially, Boba were "not Mandalorians" that somehow, that will make them less cool and somehow deflate their fans. Its totally sour grapes and totally not changing fan's minds, but still they try.

I'm really curious as to what Jango in particular, is supposed to BE if he's not Mandalorian. What is he then? Corellian? Mon Calamari? I mean, WHAT? This is a rhetorical question only, but really. Perhaps he's a Trandoshan, albeit disguised kind of like those reptile people in the "V" tv series. :wink1:
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

People think if they claim Jango and especially, Boba were "not Mandalorians" that somehow, that will make them less cool and somehow deflate their fans. Its totally sour grapes and totally not changing fan's minds, but still they try.

I'm really curious as to what Jango in particular, is supposed to BE if he's not Mandalorian. What is the then? Corellian? Mon Calamari? I mean, WHAT? This is a rhetorical question only, but really. Perhaps he's a Trandoshan, albeit disguised kind of like those reptile people in the "V" tv series. :wink1:

That?s garbage. It has nothing to do with trying to make them less cool or sour grapes. The trumpian denial of facts and attacking the messenger is mind boggling.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

my argument is that a majority of EU that was purged when Disney purchased star wars is continously referenced in current star wars and not for no reason.

Arc troopers, concord dawn, blurrgs, the outrider, republic commandos. Death watch, mythosaurs, Vizsla, on and on and on. So if you choose to ignore all the things brought back to canon by current star wars that's your choice. Not so black and white.

Just because they brought back elements of the old EU does not make all the old associated EU Stories canon again. They bought Thrawn back but clearly the Heir to the Empire events did not happen.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Just because they brought back elements of the old EU does not make all the old associated EU Stories canon again. They bought Thrawn back but clearly the Heir to the Empire events did not happen.

I think thats an extremely poor example considering they literally had the author rewrite events. The suggestion isn't that all EU is canon if something is mentioned. It's that they are being referenced and given room to exist even if they have not yet been portrayed in disney wars. The argument you are making is that things are 100% black and white. I disagree. I think if you can read between the lines then you can see its possible some of them may have still happened in current canon given the details we've been given.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

But like, Mythos Boba already sold out once and guess SSC read the writing on the wall and re-ordered. So I must choose wisely.:panic: Think I am pretty well done with paying 'bay mark-up prices after the fact.

That's my main argument here, that Mythos Boba is going to sell out and his aftermarket will end up being near what other SSC figures are at right now. If you buy him and hate him, you can always resell - even a few years from now, when his value goes up. If you love him, you're safe.

Don't have him in hand, but hopefully that's because it's supposed to be some old worn linen.

That's exactly what it is. Its not hard to futz really, just takes some time. I ended up discretely straight-pinning the poncho to hold it like I want it; you could not see or even find that pin unless I told you where it was. The most difficult thing about the figure is that damn jetpack.

I enjoy the time I spend posing figures because I get to see them close up and really enjoy them, as opposed to just sitting them on a shelf as one does statues.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Here we go again. How often do people have to interject their political views into a toy forum? Aren’t there plenty of other places to rant one way or another about politics?
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

It?s okay to be passionate about something, but remember that we?re talking about fictional characters. Everyone take a chill pill. Just be happy that Star Wars is alive, thriving, growing, and much more accessible. Be happy with the fact that Boba Fett is making a live-action comeback after 37 years (if my math is correct). Why does it even matter whether he or Jango were ?true? Mandalorians? If it weren?t for Boba and Jango and their popularity, we wouldn?t have The Mandalorian.

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Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

It?s okay to be passionate about something, but remember that we?re talking about fictional characters. Everyone take a chill pill. Just be happy that Star Wars is alive, thriving, growing, and much more accessible. Be happy with the fact that Boba Fett is making a live-action comeback after 37 years (if my math is correct). Why does it even matter whether he or Jango were ?true? Mandalorians? If it weren?t for Boba and Jango and their popularity, we wouldn?t have The Mandalorian.

Yeah I agree. These things inevitably just turn into a pi$$ing contest of "I'm right", no "I'm right". No ones going to change their mind.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

It's not like Hot Toys need to make her, or Gideon, before season 2. They're clearly going to be two of the main supporting characters going forward. Hot Toys will make them. Kuill, the Armorer, and the Death Watch Mandalorian however either won't or perhaps won't make another appearance (although I'm willing to bet the Amorer will), so they are the characters Hot Toys need to focus on before the season 2 merchandise kicks in.

Yeah no I agree. I honestly don't really expect Cara Dune or Gideon before Season 2.

I wonder if they'll get any sort of costume change to integrate into at the figure ? Gideon maybe not, but Cara possibly I guess ??
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

That's my main argument here, that Mythos Boba is going to sell out and his aftermarket will end up being near what other SSC figures are at right now. If you buy him and hate him, you can always resell - even a few years from now, when his value goes up. If you love him, you're safe.


That's exactly what it is. Its not hard to futz really, just takes some time. I ended up discretely straight-pinning the poncho to hold it like I want it; you could not see or even find that pin unless I told you where it was. The most difficult thing about the figure is that damn jetpack.

I enjoy the time I spend posing figures because I get to see them close up and really enjoy them, as opposed to just sitting them on a shelf as one does statues

Thank you good to know! Coz frankly the flowing kama and poncho (desert look) are a draw for me - e.g. the worn colors, details. (Also why I like Mando v1 a lot).

Personally don't have a problem with giving displayed figs a boost if needed. I figure if professional photographers use temporary cheats like double sided tape etc. it's good enough for me. Exactly re posing or reposing figs. Gives me time to appreciate the to-scale materials/work, even if with HT or other figs there is this or that complaint.

I get not everyone wants to futz, but I've got a real appreciation for the materials/detailing on these high-end figs. Which is probably why I'm gonna get Mythos Obi-wan and Boba both after all, after going back and forth:panic:. Because, there's plenty to work with. Hard call sometimes like HT vs. SSC - HT can do outstanding sculpts but a lot of the time they seem to be cutting accessories (not always).

I'd rather have a great Cara or Pascal sculpt (eventually) over accessories, but I wouldn't use a sculpt with Mythos Boba anyway. Thanx for the input! - very helpful if u can't just get whatever u'd like (or, I would just order one of everything:lol)

Yeah no I agree. I honestly don't really expect Cara Dune or Gideon before Season 2.

Well, I was EXPECTING to see protos for these 2 at SDCC in July - virtually I mean. "There is always hope". Along with a trailer for Mando season 2.
But maybe my hope will just get run over.:crying
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Hope virtual SDCC happens. Has that been confirmed ?. I forget.

I just hope this finally pushes them to think about it and use an online event to get better international market feedback on shown proto figures.

Rather than just a few random people asked at a con.

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