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Those new shots look great - but apart from that clean head being about 85%, I personally think the clothes need re-tailoring before mass release. The pockets on his jacket are sitting too high on his chest, the jacket itself looks a little tight fitting, & the stitching looks a little too obvious for my tastes..
:thud: boner... cum... walls... white... Need a new apartment.

Those new shots look great - but apart from that clean head being about 85%, I personally think the clothes need re-tailoring before mass release. The pockets on his jacket are sitting too high on his chest, the jacket itself looks a little tight fitting, & the stitching looks a little too obvious for my tastes..

:goodpost: totallllly agree.
Love this shot.


Yep, that is right on the money... hope the regular sculpt can look as good as this one.
As is, the regular sculpt would make a nice "conceptual design" Luke, with the right clothes but idealized head. . .

I'm beginning to wonder if I'll be willing to display that figure at all unless they tweak the sculpt. Thankfully, the battle damaged version looks fantastic.
Hows the Hasbro 3 3/4 collecting, Vintij? You buying much of that these days? I haven't posted at rebelscum in quite a while. Don't think I even have my password anymore.

I'm still buying OT stuff, got the Search for Luke Skywalker Hoth battlepack with Han Solos Tauntaun the other day and have a shipment of the new Echo Base trooper, rebel fleet trooper and Ponda Baba on the way too. OT toys seem to be fewer and further between nowadays. Sometimes I wish I was still only collecting them - I wouldn't have any financial worries.
Hows the Hasbro 3 3/4 collecting, Vintij? You buying much of that these days? I haven't posted at rebelscum in quite a while. Don't think I even have my password anymore.

I'm still buying OT stuff, got the Search for Luke Skywalker Hoth battlepack with Han Solos Tauntaun the other day and have a shipment of the new Echo Base trooper, rebel fleet trooper and Ponda Baba on the way too. OT toys seem to be fewer and further between nowadays. Sometimes I wish I was still only collecting them - I wouldn't have any financial worries.
Yeah mate!! :wink1:

I know what you mean in terms of the budget. With SW - not as much but yeah, trying to get all the TVC figures that I like, at least one carded & one loose. A vehicle here & there, & just generally catching up with stuff I'm still after.

I'm really into the 1/6 figures these days, which is something I wasn't expecting. It all started with the HT T2 Arnold basically - that figure BLEW me away, & I've been loving (specific) 1/6 stuff ever since! It seems all my movie / comic faves are getting major love now - & the HT Luke has only added to my euphoria!!
Yeah mate!! :wink1:

I know what you mean in terms of the budget. With SW - not as much but yeah, trying to get all the TVC figures that I like, at least one carded & one loose. A vehicle here & there, & just generally catching up with stuff I'm still after.

I'm really into the 1/6 figures these days, which is something I wasn't expecting. It all started with the HT T2 Arnold basically - that figure BLEW me away, & I've been loving (specific) 1/6 stuff ever since! It seems all my movie / comic faves are getting major love now - & the HT Luke has only added to my euphoria!!

Tell me about it. It was the same for me, I think I started with ED-209 from Robocop - always wanted a toy of him in some form and 1/6 was all that was current at the time - so I bought him and then there was no going back. Just as I had been collecting Terminators, Robocop, Alien and Predator at the McFarlane/NECA scale I felt that compulsion to do likewise at 1/6...and may yet do again at 1/4 :slap

But yeah the ol' Star Wars 3 3/4" figures have been a constant ever since 1995. I'm dropping the PT altogether now and I don't touch Clone Wars or other EU stuff. Its so diluted now that theres really bugger all in the way of OT toys being put out and to be honest thats a relief right now. I've still managed to miss a couple of things but thats because I can't find them anywhere online to order them. Damned store exclusives - it always has to be OT stuff.
Unfortunately I can't display my SW toys anymore, but I'm still buying the new stuff as it comes out for that time when I will eventually be able to put the collection back on show....hopefully :monkey2

As regards Rebelscum, never really liked that site's format, the new one may possibly be better but I have yet to post. Hated the way, if you wanted to italicise something, you had to type it into a seperate window - right pain in the arse because I often italicise for emphasis. In any case though, ever since really getting into 1/6, I just haven't felt much of a need to talk about little Star Wars figures. I'm also less fussy about them than I used to be. I used to always complain about ugly joints and softgoods and whatnot....don't really care anymore.

What may surprise you, if you've read this far - sorry about the long post - is that I actually feel no compulsion to collect Star Wars at 1/6. Never bought any of the SS stuff and to my own surprise even, HT haven't really persuaded me either. Thank the maker.
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hope you dont mind me puttin in my lil

i also used to collect the 3 3/4 figs,,but it got to the point where i was just buying duplicates but with different packaging...
Then i discovered HT...,and ever since ive been broke lol
but i think it was the right thing to do:yess:
The face looks right on the BD head but the hair looks goofy to me. Hair looks right on the clean version but the face is wrong.