So what's the general opinion here about the likeness of the headsculpts..?
I just preordered this from Urban Samurai. For those who laughed when I cancelled my Sideshow order, I saved almost $40 and the Vader head is honestly not worth that to me.
So what's the general opinion here about the likeness of the headsculpts..?
Not bad. I sold my Vader head for $65.
Originally Posted by Niceman View Post
I just spoke with them this morning too. They said it might be today, tomorrow, or Monday.
Arrrgh!! Which is it??!!! I need this figure yesterday!!
I contacted them yesterday as the full charge went thru, did single payment. And rep said they were waiting for the figures to ship and arrive at their warehouse sometime next week. ...Sigh I'm secretly hoping they're under=promising and it gets shipped Friday.
Newsletter says exclusive shipping in the next 30 days. Regular now shipping.
I just preordered this from Urban Samurai. For those who laughed when I cancelled my Sideshow order, I saved almost $40 and the Vader head is honestly not worth that to me.
SS only offers one version on their site.
Oh, only the ex is coming up for me.