Hot Toys DX Bespin Luke Skywalker

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Honestly, I've only placed a few orders with BBTS and have been using their pile of loot feature. I'm SUPER impressed with their service, including responses to email and of course their very prompt shipping. No hassles with oddball order entry nor an excessive amount of emails just to ship a product. I've been doing internet sales for over 7 years and have written my own order system which includes shipping confirmations, so I really appreciate a simplified and streamlined process. Contrast that with Sideshow, which I find to be the most onerous ordering system I've ever used. I do like their flex pay (lay-away by the common name), but I hate the fact they don't combine shipping, their promotional discounts are largely bunk, their stock status is complete fantasy at times and even when they say they're giong to ship something, you never really know when it will ship until you get a confirmation. It's as if sales isn't their primary business. I could really overhaul their site. ;) Anyway, BBTS FTW.

And... I'll have my Bespin Luke this Wednesday - it will be at my mailbox on Monday and was ordered into the BBTS pile of loot a few months ago. I was waiting on HT TT bodies (got em now) and lastly a Zy Toys Weapons case which I finally gave up on and will just pick up later.
I envy you guys in the US for you can have them less than SRP plus a little shipping. My store here have them for 299.99 plus 12% tax which makes it around 340.00. If I opt to buy online, I have to pay a pricey shipping plus I have to wait 3 weeks to get here...sometimes more. looks like I have to be a little more patient to buy it somewhere at a good price. lol.
...and I got bothered over nothing. Shipped today!
Next week I finally get to see what all the fuss is about...

I think you will like it JB. Just make sure you have super glue at the ready when you unbox. Like many have already mentioned, I also had to do some minor repairs right away. Hair magnets, holster magnet, lightsaber hook all needed to be fixed. Also take your time when putting the weathervane together, threads are very fine. Lastly, found the hair dryer tip very helpful when switching out the arm with severed hand. I might catch some flak on this but I'm still on the fence when it comes to HT figures. Don't get me wrong, this set and display extras are great! Just not sure I could afford the added expense going forward when you consider just one figure is usually the same price as this. I'd be interested in your thoughts/opinion when you get it.

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I don't recall anyone selling them pre-made lately. But there are always plenty of suitable cathode tubes for sale on eBay.
I envy you guys in the US for you can have them less than SRP plus a little shipping. My store here have them for 299.99 plus 12% tax which makes it around 340.00. If I opt to buy online, I have to pay a pricey shipping plus I have to wait 3 weeks to get here...sometimes more. looks like I have to be a little more patient to buy it somewhere at a good price. lol.

I'm in BC and you can get them online and just get them shipped to Point Roberts (mailing service). You can avoid shipping charges and get a for a cheaper tax rate.
...and I got bothered over nothing. Shipped today!
Next week I finally get to see what all the fuss is about...

Me too JB. Just ordered from BBTS.:rock I think this will rank up there with some of the best 1/6 Human Figures HT has made.

I just received this figure. What an awesome piece of work. Having been a 1:1 prop collector for many years, I can really appreciate the care and attention to detail that Hot Toys have put into the lightsaber and blaster. They are truly beautiful scaled replicas of the full size props. Everything from the tiniest detail to the beautiful packaging is first rate. After trying the hair pieces on the different heads, I personally think that the battle damaged face looks best with the "regular" hair on it so that's what I've opted for.


Think I'll be doing a BD with reg hair like C King and a few others here.

Now I just have to wait for HT to do a Vader -- and you know they will and it will be insane and probably have talking features as they're doing this already with their new 1/6 Robocop Figure so you KNOW they'll do it with Vader.
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It may be awhile but I think HT may do an ESB Vader too someday. Strange that SS changed from an ESB/ROTJ combo to just ROTJ.
It may be awhile but I think HT may do an ESB Vader too someday. Strange that SS changed from an ESB/ROTJ combo to just ROTJ.

it's possible. Though, we know the next three releases already are

In order of planned release

Anakin Skywalker
Han solo
Padme Amedala
Unamed OT character ( Leia, jedi Luke, or Lando I think)
Me too JB. Just ordered from BBTS.:rock I think this will rank up there with some of the best 1/6 Human Figures HT has made.

Think I'll be doing a BD with reg hair like C King and a few others here.

Now I just have to wait for HT to do a Vader -- and you know they will and it will be insane and probably have talking features as they're doing this already with their new 1/6 Robocop Figure so you KNOW they'll do it with Vader.

I'm with you, P. Hot Toys will probably make a diecast Vader that will put Sideshow's deluxe Vader to shame.
I'm with you, P. Hot Toys will probably make a diecast Vader that will put Sideshow's deluxe Vader to shame.

Which is why I passed on a $400 SSC "place setter" Vader with body upgrades, etc.

K, did you get a HT Luke and if so, how'd you like it man?
it's possible. Though, we know the next three releases already are

In order of planned release

Anakin Skywalker
Han solo
Padme Amedala
Unamed OT character ( Leia, jedi Luke, or Lando I think)

I am guessin Leia for the 5th.
Hot Toys may do a Vader, but don't expect one in the next 6 or more years. Maybe 7 to 10. Let's say 2020 at the earliest. Put it this way, there's a much better chance of Sideshow doing another two Vaders than Hot Toys ever doing one. And if they ever do, ppl who have the SSC Vader may choose to sell it, pocketing a good amount of coin and using a fraction of if to buy the new Vader. These things don't go down in value like MacFarlane toys.
Now I just have to wait for HT to do a Vader -- and you know they will and it will be insane and probably have talking features

Talking feature will get old the first day you have the figure. :lecture

I'm with you, P. Hot Toys will probably make a diecast Vader that will put Sideshow's deluxe Vader to shame.

Why would you want a diecast Vader, it wouldn't be film accurate like a diecast Robocop is. :dunno
Me too JB. Just ordered from BBTS.:rock I think this will rank up there with some of the best 1/6 Human Figures HT has made.

Think I'll be doing a BD with reg hair like C King and a few others here.

Now I just have to wait for HT to do a Vader -- and you know they will and it will be insane and probably have talking features as they're doing this already with their new 1/6 Robocop Figure so you KNOW they'll do it with Vader.

Only if Sideshow allows it. You are going to have to wait a looong time for a HT Vader if it ever happens.
Talking feature will get old the first day you have the figure. :lecture

Why would you want a diecast Vader, it wouldn't be film accurate like a diecast Robocop is. :dunno

Yes, I know Vader's helmet is made of fiberglass, I was being a bit sarcastic there. :lol

But seriously though, a Hot Toys Vader will make anything Sideshow has made before it obsolete. And it WILL happen. 5 years? Maybe. But don't think Sideshow's will be the end-all-be-all 1:6 Vader because it's not. Not by a long shot. Sure, if you are looking for a placeholder you can spend your hard-earned dollars on it now and try to sell it later before the jaw-dropping definitive must-have super duper exclusive limited version hits by then because it's gonna cost you some BIG bucks. Diecast RoboCop will look like a bargain by then. Start saving your pennies now.