Hi Guys
I'm Indiana Andrews, Greggo's brother. He has kindly let me post using his username. I am finally joining the freaks tonight and signing up.
Wow there's so much negativity here about this figure, but hey you gotta love the passion!
Speaking as a HUGE Indy fan I am personally disappointed by what has been shown so far, i was so excited when they announced this figure, but let's be objective about this.
It is a prototype, period. It will, I feel sure, improve. However, from my professional viewpoint as a product development creative, I would never had allowed this to be shown to the general public, trade yes, Joe public no.
Production wise in the line up of the four figures, the HT blows away the competition, but the portrait needs work without question. The nose is not long enough, the eyebrows the wrong shape, the eyes the wrong shape. On top of this the fedora needs re-blocking - the pinch tightening, the brim reshaping.
The other main problem I have is the body, it's way too muscular. Now maybe this is a stock body HT have used for the prototype, if not this needs correcting. The reason why Indy had such huge appeal was his everyman quality. Sure he was slim, but Mr Ford was never that cut or defined, or that broad either. This figure looks more like the original concept art.
Costume wise the gun belt is not wide enough, it should be wider than the webbing belt. A minor point the gun belt is too dark. The holster looks huge, compare it to the size of the revolver. Not sure if it is the way the figure is dressed, but the breast pockets on his shirt look too high. The shoes look great, but way too new looking.
These are all simple minor fixes which are bound to be refined. It's a prototype in development after all.
We fans are always the most vocal and we must be heard right? They will hear us HT will get it right. We just need to be patient it will be worth it.
Best to all
Indiana Andrews
c/o Greggo