Originally Posted by galactiboy View Post
Part of me still fees like I should trust in HT and pre-order this... but I just don't have much desire to do so. The figure just feels very meh, even with a tweaked head sculpt I still just don't see $200+ here
I'm really tired of this explanation.
Here is the realty of the situation.
HT Superman is $210 and i have not herd any big complaints about his price.
With this Indy for another $40 you get.
(1) one-piece creamy white-colored Arab garb with white-colored waistband
(1) white-colored headscarf
(1) Staff of Ra with Headpiece for matching with style 2 costume
(1) sand bag ( Which really is a sand bag not sculpted !! )
(1) pedestal
(1) journal made of authentic paper
Double-sided movie-accurate backdrop
100 % better paint job the best and most professional in the industry.
Yes head sculpt is a bit off but we know it is getting tweaked and all the little tweaks are just little tweaks!!!
If anyone thinks this is unrealistic for the skill level and production you go produce all these little extras and see how much time it takes you and money. Then I think you would change your opinion.
I tell what!! If someone started making the Arab costume in the custom section for $50 each and them the staff of Ra for $20 and the journal for $10 and the backdrop for $15.
Some people would going Cool , Unreal , Whoa!!! you have made my collection.
Come on!!!

It just does my head in!!!