It's just showing Arnie Kim isn't the God of sculpting everyone. When Superman was announced and he was behind it, everyone assumed it would mean photorealistic sculpts of any character he touched. Yet his first work for HT is almost universally panned. I know he said he was redoing it, but I have that awful feeling where I'm not exactly stoked to see it. He'd better blow us away with the redo. If not, a massive shame, and waste of the licence.
With luck he'll grow or they won't give him many projects. Everyone thought the world of Kojun and then his first portraits were John Connor and Wolverine, both close, but off in likeness, then he does something like the Barney Ross portrait that looks fantastic. I also still believe that sculptors have their interpretations and don't do exact work, and some faces don't come out through that filter looking as accurrate to us as others. Going by Yulli's Bales you'd think she couldn't sculpt an accurrate likeness, but then look at her Ledgers, Stallones and Schwarzeneggers and you'd think she had a great talent.