I understand where you guys are coming from. I just feel like I shouldn't spend more than retail for it at this point.
And it's not that I want it to do dynamic poses, I was just hoping it would hold decent amount of poses. I watched Clipper King's video on Youtube comparing it with the Returns version and the arms kept slipping back into place.
That and I think I just hyped myself up a little too much for it. And Hot Toys has already come a long way since it was released.
Ingenious design.Even if he's meant to be hiding in the shadows.
I have a question for anyone who lives in a tropical environment or knows about figures and tropical places.
I have several HT figures, including this 89 Bats, and at the moment I live in the US and houses here have air conditioner, but I'm considering moving next year to the Caribbean, and over there most houses don't have central AC, so most windows are usually open and the house temperature is worm.
Anyway, is there a way to protect or make sure that the rubber suit doesn't get damaged? Is it ok if I keep the figure in the box, since I keep most of them boxed anyway?
So far, I've kept the 89 Bats in the box since I bought it years ago, and it looks fine.
I've mostly heard bad things about hot conditions with these figures. More often than not people suggest a temperature controlled environment. Do you plan on having a room dedicated to your collection? My suggestion is you find a small window unit for that particular room and keep it an even temp that way.
I'm living in a tropical country, and I find that keeping figures out of sunlight, dry and well ventilated are their key to survival. I've had vinyl figures that melted in their boxes and even display cases due to stagnant air. Air conditioners never bothered any of my figures.
Check the marketplace, that's where I go mine (props to Rory, great seller).Anyone selling one of these?
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Justifying buying it as I’m not buying anything from that train wreck of a film that is justice league
It really sucks that Hot Toys' focus for DC related figures for the next year and a half will be nothing but crap from Justice League and the DCEU.