and they needed to keep reverting back to robert patrick or there would not be a recognizable nemesis and why pay him to act in just small cameos too.
Definitely correct. The viewing audience needs a singular villain, to have had the T-1000 played by multiple different people and not one individual wouldn't have made for as satisfying a film. It still doesn't entirely make sense within the film in theory though. This guy is the ultimate infiltrator, he literally can be anyone, and yet he only occasionally uses this ability.
On the other hand though, there's really only 3 parts of the film where he gets close to John -
1) The galleria, where appearing as himself is as good as anyone else, and it wouldn't seem particularly advantageous to change into someone else during the truck chase.
2) Pescadero, where he had to walk through a locked gate and would have given himself away anyway
3) The steel mill - where he has to reform after being frozen and shattered, they obviously know its him. And he does change into Sarah at one point.
A-dev, I thought of all those. Its fun to pick out things like that to have nerdy conversations.
Another is why did the T-1000 waste all that time crushing T-800s arm in some gear ....and then later beating him up with a pole when he gets loose.

Why not just use one of your blade arms to chop off his head or stab him in the face/head destroying his chip?
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I suggested before that he could have formed his hand into a tool to open up the T-800's skull cavity, remove and destroy his chip (or just remove it maybe, he then could have planted the chip back with humans to restore the Cyberdyne research)
i always thought that it was a direct attack in presence of "mission" - Connor - that caused the cyborg to counter-attack.
also T1 didn't kill anybody in the place he settled, killing only while striking the mission target, changing his identity between strikes.
totally agree with other points though
OK maybe he wasn't sure of how far the jocks would go and just wasn't going to take any chances. I dunno. Maybe we'll let that slide. And of course we know he didn't attempt to kill anyone else.
The T-1000 and the T1 T-800, I think if we study their kills they never deliberately kill anyone where they know they will clearly be witnessed doing so - other than the T-800's attack on the police station where as you said he was going after his primary target and didn't have any other way of getting to her but brute force.
I guess they didn't have much fear of the investigative abilities of the police though. I mean they're still leaving dead people about the place, who
are going to be discovered at some point.
Actually that reminds me of another funny point - its always the heroes that wind up in police custody or under siege by them. The villains seem to get away with everything.
I think the reason is that t1000 metal was not as strong as t800 metal. While he had all the kewl stuff the base steel in my view was stronger for t800 ... Thats the only reason i can think of. His ability was his limitation...
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I would agree, I don't think his metal is as strong as the T-800's. The T-800 is able to shoot his hook arm and blow it apart pretty easily at the end of the Pescadero chase.