Hot Toys - DX13 - T2: T-800 (Battle-Damaged Version) 1/6-scale Collectible Figure

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I would think T-1000s metal is at least as strong as the metal or steel rod that he impaled the T-800 with.

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Not necessarily. Its like saying my / your hands are as strong as the Knife i / you cut with or the hammer you hit with. I think he was not as strong a metal as t800. The molecular property of t1000 probably had to have him made of a weaker metal. That's just my guess though... And would also explain why he dint slice the heck out of t800. Cause there are many things he could do. Just paste himself all over t800 and then just blow his circuits? ... Lot of probabilities.

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Hello All,

Can someone please tell me from their experience with pre-ordering how does the regular version get released? Is it in HK first then the rest of the world gets it three weeks later like they do with the exclusive version or is it on mass around the world at the same time.
That's one aspect of T1 and T2 that has never really made sense. Surely a Terminator should be avoiding killing randomers. Surely creating a trail of dead people will draw police attention and potentially hinder it from completing its main objective. Forget John screaming at you for reasons you don't understand, killing the Jock dudes 'does not help our mission'. Why the hell was he willing to do that:huh

On that note, how does John see Sarah 'crying sometimes' about Kyle when he's been in care for what looks like a long time now and he isn't allowed to visit her?
Well coupled with the fact that he talks about seeing her cry and that he's learned things from her I always figured she raised him for most his life. Its just that he was put in foster care when she got locked up. They're pretty ambiguous on how long she's been in there. Just to throw a number out there maybe 2 years? A year?

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
Hello All,

Can someone please tell me from their experience with pre-ordering how does the regular version get released? Is it in HK first then the rest of the world gets it three weeks later like they do with the exclusive version or is it on mass around the world at the same time.
Anyone know how long for the regular versions to ship?
my HK seller said "in two weeks".
it was on december 6th.
and they needed to keep reverting back to robert patrick or there would not be a recognizable nemesis and why pay him to act in just small cameos too.

Definitely correct. The viewing audience needs a singular villain, to have had the T-1000 played by multiple different people and not one individual wouldn't have made for as satisfying a film. It still doesn't entirely make sense within the film in theory though. This guy is the ultimate infiltrator, he literally can be anyone, and yet he only occasionally uses this ability.
On the other hand though, there's really only 3 parts of the film where he gets close to John -

1) The galleria, where appearing as himself is as good as anyone else, and it wouldn't seem particularly advantageous to change into someone else during the truck chase.

2) Pescadero, where he had to walk through a locked gate and would have given himself away anyway

3) The steel mill - where he has to reform after being frozen and shattered, they obviously know its him. And he does change into Sarah at one point.

A-dev, I thought of all those. Its fun to pick out things like that to have nerdy conversations.

Another is why did the T-1000 waste all that time crushing T-800s arm in some gear ....and then later beating him up with a pole when he gets loose. :lol Why not just use one of your blade arms to chop off his head or stab him in the face/head destroying his chip?

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2

I suggested before that he could have formed his hand into a tool to open up the T-800's skull cavity, remove and destroy his chip (or just remove it maybe, he then could have planted the chip back with humans to restore the Cyberdyne research)

i always thought that it was a direct attack in presence of "mission" - Connor - that caused the cyborg to counter-attack.
also T1 didn't kill anybody in the place he settled, killing only while striking the mission target, changing his identity between strikes.
totally agree with other points though :)

OK maybe he wasn't sure of how far the jocks would go and just wasn't going to take any chances. I dunno. Maybe we'll let that slide. And of course we know he didn't attempt to kill anyone else.

The T-1000 and the T1 T-800, I think if we study their kills they never deliberately kill anyone where they know they will clearly be witnessed doing so - other than the T-800's attack on the police station where as you said he was going after his primary target and didn't have any other way of getting to her but brute force.

I guess they didn't have much fear of the investigative abilities of the police though. I mean they're still leaving dead people about the place, who are going to be discovered at some point.

Actually that reminds me of another funny point - its always the heroes that wind up in police custody or under siege by them. The villains seem to get away with everything.

I think the reason is that t1000 metal was not as strong as t800 metal. While he had all the kewl stuff the base steel in my view was stronger for t800 ... Thats the only reason i can think of. His ability was his limitation...

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I would agree, I don't think his metal is as strong as the T-800's. The T-800 is able to shoot his hook arm and blow it apart pretty easily at the end of the Pescadero chase.
I shouldn't be a matter of reprogramming really. The mission is of paramount importance and the machine's own AI should be able to determine what it should and shouldn't do in order to complete that objective as efficiently and as quickly as possible. Killing people it doesn't need to kill should be ruled out on account of the unwanted attention it could bring which would delay or even jeopardise the completion of the primary objective.

In T2 the T-800 is capable of making decisions like ''we should not go back to your foster home; we absolutely should not go anywhere near Sarah Connor; we should not attempt to take down Cyberdyne'' and he even says this - ''we need to get out of the city immediately, and avoid the authorities'' - not killing people would be one way of avoiding the authorities and yet he was willing to kill the Jocks for no particular reason. So that seems inconsistent.

You also have to wonder did no one care about poor Officer Austin? He's lying dead under a bridge and his squad car is stolen. How is it there seems to have been no attempt by the LA police to find his killer? Especially when that killer is driving a stolen police car. Was the T-1000 giving regular radio reports in Austin's voice? What about when he never returns to the station? No one gets suspicious?

And why doesn't the T-1000 keep different human disguises constantly as a strategy so the T-800 never knows who to look for? Why does he keep reverting back to his identifiable default appearance?

So there's a few things that don't make sense if you are bored and let yourself think about it. :lol

I think all these are right points. Also, i think, the T1000 never really considered T800 as a threat. As T1000s character builds up we see that he likes to or rather enjoys killing. Stylish killing of johns foster parents, stylish and slow kill of the guard in the prison, as if he knew he will get John and that he was enjoying it... Or doing it his way.

As for t800, i think while he was trying to avoid trouble, but if the trouble came in by itself he was just looking to get rid of the issue as quickly as possible. That explains he wanting to kill when need be.

But again my responses are in retrospect so i agree with all points you laid down. Infact for the longest time i was wondering why t1000 could not just shoot himself as bullets or knives and get done with John quick and fast. He was too close to him too many times.

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I suggested before that he could have formed his hand into a tool to open up the T-800's skull cavity, remove and destroy his chip (or just remove it maybe, he then could have planted the chip back with humans to restore the Cyberdyne research)
the easiest way for T-1000 to disable T-800 was still to pour on its head & smash eye cameras and/or their gears with simple pressure. no instruments needed, and a blind cyborg is no more a disturber.

though again, T1 probably got a shot in the eye and had no lense damage, while T-1000 got a shot in the metal arm and had it blown away like it was mentioned here (by you as i remember). T-1000 liquid metal seems to be just too liquid to break T-800. that's very well seen when T-1000 cannot break T-800, traps it instead and doesn't even take any more attempts to disable it (the scene where T-800 arm is stuck under wheel).

looks like not only T-1000 cannot be firm enough but it also knows about that.
so my former idea of pouring T-1000 inside T-800 to smash it from the inside doesn't work anymore.
the easiest way for T-1000 to disable T-800 was still to pour on its head & smash eye cameras and/or their gears with simple pressure. no instruments needed, and a blind cyborg is no more a disturber.

though again, T1 probably got a shot in the eye and had no lense damage, while T-1000 got a shot in the metal arm and had it blown away like it was mentioned here (by you as i remember). T-1000 liquid metal seems to be just too liquid to break T-800. that's very well seen when T-1000 cannot break T-800, traps it instead and doesn't even take any more attempts to disable it (the scene where T-800 arm is stuck under wheel).

looks like not only T-1000 cannot be firm enough but it also knows about that.
so my former idea of pouring T-1000 inside T-800 to smash it from the inside doesn't work anymore.

Its nice. I like the idea that the T-1000 wasn't superior to T-800 in every way. In fact it kinda needed help from the steel mill to wear the T-800 down.
look what i just found browsing pics from T2:


the lower jaw part with no metal visible.
at least i can assure myself now that there was a makeup with HT version instead of EB :)

....or i'll purchase some "chrome" silver paint and just put it in that wound instead of blood:

Its nice. I like the idea that the T-1000 wasn't superior to T-800 in every way. In fact it kinda needed help from the steel mill to wear the T-800 down.
well, actually... the only (battle) superiority of T-1000 is that it's truly unstoppable in a face-to-face battle )
T-800 collects its damages while T-1000 just doesn't get one. plus offence is always easier than defence. that all caused T-800 turning out unlucky while T-1000 just didn't give a **** about luck.
(also no brain chip seemed to help a lot. T-800s are like slowing their reaction speed after getting massive hits to a head)


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actually arguing about logic trains logic. dunno about unlucky guys.
yeah it was )
we have a nasty habit of collecting movie fails on my native board.
when you stop movies for a screenshot of some detail you need, you can notice things that can never be seen in motion.
the T1 skeleton was actually falling apart in every scene. those times when a ****ty toy was filmed better than modern CGI.
for example, T4 skeletons bend and stretch in their metal parts - due to texture over base model, i guess.