Who is making the full sculpt. How do i get on the list if any...why can't i just navigate on these sites like u 20 somethingers... Grrrrrrr
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Who is making the full sculpt. How do i get on the list if any...why can't i just navigate on these sites like u 20 somethingers... Grrrrrrr
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No, when I asked last week or the week before, Jay told me that the way their distributor works, they let stuff pile up and then ship it all in one go. He told me I'll have it before Christmas guaranteed.
When I go in on Wednesday for my comics, I'll ask again. Maybe you can let me know what your total came to with shipping and whatnot from Toys2. I've purchased through them before but figured I'd give HH a chance. If the price difference is huge then maybe I'll just stick with toys2 and BBTS/SSC.
My total was $332 USD after shipping and GST. Eh, I'm sure it'll be well worth the wait regardless.
always liked that dog with sad face and a tail waving from love to the camera man.
I think it'd be worth it. I mean we've got this sculpt which finally looks like Arnie according to 99% of the forum, maybe even 100%, I don't think I've seen anyone say otherwise. We've got this great sculpt but there's just one tiny thing off about it, something which could easily be fixed especially since he's going to be doing work on the hairline anyway. I think the bigger shame would be to leave that tiny flaw in it. It could be perfection. Why stop short.
Who is making the full sculpt. How do i get on the list if any...why can't i just navigate on these sites like u 20 somethingers... Grrrrrrr
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Sure, i just trust him thats all.
A-dev, can you post your hairline comparison pics again?