X2^ Wow, for a second I thought that was from the actual movie!
Fantastic pictures
X2^ Wow, for a second I thought that was from the actual movie!
Thanks. I'm not totally happy with it if I'm honest - the endo-hand is oversized and as such looks odd and the glove wasn't an ideal fit; I ended up having to cut it up even more than is accurate. But if I had an appropriate diorama the hand would be hidden from view anyway.
Anyone know of any online shops selling this guy for retail still? Im convinced I need another. This and Blade are easily my top favorite figures hands down.
Anyone know of any online shops selling this guy for retail still? Im convinced I need another. This and Blade are easily my top favorite figures hands down.
I also would like to know where I can get one. At least you have one lol.
T-800 (Battle Damaged) Hot Toys - Terminator 2 : Judgement Day Doll Figure DX Series at Cmdstore.com
Not retail, but not bad. Only three left!
I definitely like this pose.