it would be awesome to get some updated or 2.0's like some other lines have gotten and so many variant possibiities.
Would love to see 2.0's of:
T2 Sarah Connor
T1 Endoskeleton
Kyle Reese
Other possibilities like:
The franco Columbo future terminator infiltrator
1984 kyle reese
1984 Sarah Connor
T2 future John Connor
T2 future human resistance fighter
T2 teenage John Connor
T-1000 frozen
T-800 with massive flesh torn (basically an endoskeleton with some flesh on it in a few places)
T-800 from dark fate (young version when it killed john connor)
This is just off the top of my head, there is plenty of gold left in the terminator license, I cannot understand why HT is not cashing in on it. Especially right now, while the iron is hot and the fandom is turned up!!!