Super Freak
Very novel idea, but wishful thinking. Hot Toys loves loves LOVES Nolan Bats more than Burton Bats.
I hope we see this p.o this week gotta LOVE the wait. Saving the Best for last. I wonder if they will give us another batsymbol in the dx box again with return's design. I too am hoping for the Glider and a keaton hs with optional ripped off cowl so 3 hs and glider that would be perfect!
Well if anything be cool if we get differnt faceplates that could work with the 89 hs is another hope. I'm just wondering if they make the ripped cowl the EX its gonna get Batty and disapear fast i hope not that may anger many if the ripped cowl is the EXCLUSIVE.
Very novel idea, but wishful thinking. Hot Toys loves loves LOVES Nolan Bats more than Burton Bats.
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Only because of how well it sells. If Keaton Bats sold in the same quantities then HT would love love LOVE that!
there are lots of pics around of it but I've too lazy and inebriated to help you.
I think Burton Bat figures would be a big seller for HT if they offered as many different figures from this line as they did the Nolan stuff...What did they do, like 4 bats, 4 jokers, 3 different armory sets...So far from Burton, we've had 3 figures...2 sold out (don't know about the Mime Joker)...So, if HT gave people more Burton stuff to buy, I see no reason it wouldnt sell...The interest is obviously there from listening to people...