Surprised Disney and/or Depp have allowed this to be made. Maybe the license was about to expire so HT is taking one more go at it? Sort of glad I sold my DX15 awhile ago when it was going for top dollar, but I assume this is going to be a PITA to get just as all the other artisan figures have been so far

I’m pretty happy with my DMC/AWE custom, but I won’t be able to resist trying to get one.
Guessing they’re including the Black Pearl rudder since it’s in the teaser pic. Hopefully they included a better display base to attach it too instead of the cheap chipboard they used on the DX06 one.
I wonder if the face sculpts will be new or the same as before?

Would be nice to get a smiling sculpt with teeth, but Depp rejected the original DX06 smiling sculpt with teeth showing, so probably won’t happen.
As for things that could be upgraded from the original DX15, I’d say there are a few but not many
- Fabric bandana
- More accurate sash. So far, the Ultimate unison figure is the only one to have gotten the sash accurate
- More accurate color coat
- Pirate ‘P’ brand on forearm
- Sparrow tattoo on forearm
- Weathered up cutless blade instead of the shiny chrome metal
- Accurate hat
- They should include the diary
- Maybe some gold coins from the opening bank robbery
Would love if they had done a young Jack Sparrow
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