Blows me away just how little these YT reviewers know - in the space of ten seconds he says the DX07 boots weren't pleather (they are,) says the new Bespin outfit is a more accurate color than the DX07 outfit (it isn't - it better matches the prototype/promo costume's creamy color) and the new fig "fills out the outfit better" suggesting the DX07 outfit was too baggy (it isn't - the DX25 is too snug and "fatsuited" looking, the DX07 better captures the somewhat baggy fit of the costume, especially in the pants.)
And he loves the stubby, wrong-color, wrong fabric type, thick-straps DX25 boots over the DX07's quite close match to the costume boots.
All HT had to do was changethe color on the Snowpseeder boots and it would have been perfect - but they didn't for some reason.
The problem is those two aspects are the ONLY improvements - a spot-on MH facesculpt and a much better cut/sew quality (not overall fit though) on the outfit. And perhaps the base USB connectivity.
The rest is meh boots (noticeable step down from DX07,) slightly off color and too-tightly fitted outfit (with no way to remove fatsuit, and pants not having enough volume to match the costume anyway), dim light-up saber, underwhelming sweaty hairsculpt (proto's hairsculpt looked amazing but HT changed it,) straight re-release of 12 year old DX07 Vader head, and minor reboot of the old SSC freeze chamber base.