Nice pictures of your Rambo lineup there Voorhees27! I love it! I still gotta get that First Blood Rambo, and I want to make the older "John Rambo" like you did too! Awesome man!

Great pictures of your Rockys and Rambos too Rock83! I'll eventually get Rocky, Apolllo, Clubber and Drago. I'm going to get Rocky first. By the way, Rock83, how much did you pay for your Rocky Hot Toys figures, if you don't mind me asking? I'm hunting eBay now for good prices on Apollo, Clubber and Drago. I'll be getting Rocky from a friend online in about a month I hope.
I agree to get you a Colonel Sam Trautman. I got him too. But I'll wait until we move before I take him out of his box and display him next to my Rambos.